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Anthony Tu Shihua

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Anthony Tu Shihua (Template:Zh; November 22, 1919 – January 4, 2017) was a bishop of the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association.

Tu Shihua toɗɗaa e laamu almuudo katolik Roma e hitaande 1944, o toɗɗaa ko bismaango katolik Roma tawa alaa yamiroore paap e hitaande 1959 ngam Fedde Katolik Patriotik Siin, o woni kadi bismaango ngo aldaa e sariya e nder diiwaan katolik Roma Hanyang.

Lebbi seeɗa ko adii maayde makko, Biskop Shihua ɗaɓɓiri yo o artire e jokkondiral timmungal e Pape, o jaɓɓii mo e tiitoonde Biskop Emeritus Puli[1]

Shihua maayi nder Beijing, China e 4 lewru Janaayo 2017, e duuɓi 98.[2]

  1. "Pastoral duties of the Chinese bishops received in communion by the Pope - Vatican News". 2 February 2019.
  2. Li, Elizabeth (January 5, 2017). "CHINA Illegitimate Bishop Tu Shihua, ordained in 1959, has died aged 98". AsiaNews.it. Retrieved 2017-01-07.