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Kosngal roba

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Kosngal roba ko'o e ( ɗemngal englishire prosthesis prosthese ) diga leydi ancient Greek) taa ɗemngel ancient greek mpooedic romonized prosthesis lit e kosngal roba ngal [1]prostheses ɓaawitooje too nder tsarewal ngadoowol balletol kowngal mootsaki kosnɗe linndenɓe ɓe linndare ɓanndu prosthetic implant ɗon howterde ɓolletal ɓawarde kowje ɗe nder tsarewal angal ɓe linndare kosɗe e howterde kama alaasara jokkole ɓanndu nyaɗɗo ko marde relluɓe jokkode ɓanndu taa howterde faro dygo' e keɓeta ya'ure kosngal koo rellungo' jammu ɗon ɓanndu nyaɗɗo gaɗa jumm linndare ɓanndu (congenital disorder)

Kosngal roba ngal pro[2]stheses e nastungo'o faro balletol motsengo'o kosngal e howterde jokkoɗe ɓanndu nyaɗɗo taa amputee e baawurde ɓawitol ngal physiatrist e jeytuugol taa nastungo'o nder disciplinary team e physical therapists e dotta'en raarooɓe therapists e nder sana'aje[3] therapists prostheses ngal waaɗitego balletol gurgu'en kosɗe e jungo too nder ndaatal computer aided ko e howterde nder tsarewal (CAD) ɗon wallungo, balletol marango'o e nder wannango'o analyze too Komputaje kowcitoje 2-D e 3 D graphics

E jiytul nyaɗɗo o kosngal roba prosthesis e mo heebeta tsarewal ngaadowal nyaɗɗo o linndare kosɗe motsengo'o jokkode ɓanndu e wannango'o bukataje ɓanndu nyaɗɗo o linndare nestengo, transradial prosthesis e howterde nyaɗɗo geeɗo cuuttol nder hakkude aesthetic function e nder tsarewal myoelectric taa nder ɓanndu nyaɗɗo o linndare kosngal ɓanndu

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosthesis#cite_note-madehow.com-4
  2. https://www.theengineer.co.uk/prosthetic-implant-wrist-movement/
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosthesis#cite_note-3