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Waspita Thomas Hope

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(Yiitannde iwde e Thomas Hope Hospital)

Waspita Thomas Hope ko nokku cellal to laawol Strand, to Langholm, Dumfries e Gallowa[1]y, to leydi Ecosse. Ko NHS Dumfries e Galloway njiylotoo ɗum.[2]

Thomas Hope Hospital

Ko ɗoon gollordu nduu heɓi kaalis mum ko e ndonu mawngu ummoraade e Thomas Hope, jom ngalu njulaagu, gollotonooɗo to leyɗeele dentuɗe Amerik.[3][4] Ko John Henry Townsend Wodd waɗi nde e mbaadi Jacobean, nde udditaa e hitaande 1897, hono waspita Thomas Hope ngam miskine. Design oo ina waɗi suudu maayndu oktagonal. Waspita oo naati e sarwiis cellal leydi ndii, hono waspita Thomas Hope e hitaande 1943]

  1. "Thomas Hope Hospital". Historic Hospitals. Retrieved 8 February 2020.
  2. "Thomas Hope Hospital". Historic Hospitals. Retrieved 8 February 2020.
  3. "The Will of Thomas Hope". Langholm Archive Group. Retrieved 8 February 2020.
  4. "The Will of Thomas Hope". Langholm Archive Group. Retrieved 8 February 2020.