Anita Natacha Akide ganndiraaɗo Symply Tacha ko neɗɗo baawɗo jaayndeeji, jom ngalu, kadi ko neɗɗo moƴƴo .[2][4] O heɓi njeenaaje ko wayi no neɗɗo ɓurɗo lollude e Net Honour,[5] Neɗɗo debbo ɓurɗo lollude e hitaande ndee,[6] Hawwaare mawnde e hitaande ndee e ko nanndi heen.[7] Ko kanko wonnoo ambassadeur marque GetFit, marque Fitness[8]
Nguurndam e jaŋde puɗɗagol E hitaande 2016, Akide heɓi bakkaa mum e ɗemngal Engele to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde jaŋde Ignatius Ajuru, Rumuolumeni to diiwaan Rivers, leydi Najeriya.[1][9]
Kugal Akide naati e yeewtere Big Brother Naija (duuɓi 4) kadi o feeñii e yeewtere MTV wiyeteende The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies. O wonii ambassadeur marque ngam sosiyetee gite House of Lunettes, sosiyetee RealTech OxfordBuildBay,[11] wakiliijo marque fitness GetFit, e sosiyetee winndereyankeejo njaram alkol Ciroc.[12] O yaltini kadi marke makko Tacha Fierce mo njaram Ciroc mo alaa ɗo haaɗi.[13][14]