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Armah Jallah

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Armah Jallah
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Sana'ajingaɗoowo siyaasaje Taƴto
Member of political partyNational Party of Liberia Taƴto

Armah Zolu Jallah ko politikyanke Liberinaajo, jeyaaɗo e lannda ngenndiijo leydi (NPP). Senateer Armah Zolu Jallah lomtiima e « Cllr ». Eddington Varmah e nder Senaa e hitaande 1998 e nder Senator diiwaan Lofa e nder woote ɗe o heɓi fotde 70%. Sosde Gbarpolu ko batte fodoore nde o waɗi e woote ngam lomtaade Eddington Varmah. O mooɓti yimɓe Diiwanuuji Gbapolu e Bopolu ngam ɗuum. O tawtoraama batuuji Gbarma e Bopolu puɗɗiiɗi peeje ngam sosde diiwaan Gbarpolu e nder laamu Taylor.

Ko Senato Jallah wondi go'o nder National Patriotic Party, o hawti bee feere nder siyaasaji jam'aare e laamu bana huutore hakkeeji neɗɗo bilaa jaɓɓitol, e huutore hakkillaaji jawdi go'oto. O ɗon moofta hakkiilo ummatoore e naftoraaki laawol siyasa, to laamu konu ngam halki hawtaaki. O hawti e dow do'a ngam do'a do'a dow do'aaji do'a, ngam do'aaje do'a fuu nder lesdi e do'a lawol ɓesngu nder ladde nder lesdi Liberia, ngam doodda do'a haɓe dow do'o to'a dow go'o to kuuje. O jaɓii bill ngam tiggugo National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) ngam waddugo yimɓe mari goɗɗum nder suudu jammu nder lesdi. O jaɓɓi habaru to kuugal ngal o tagi National Commission on Human Rights ngam haani e dookaaji duniyaaru, o jaɓɓi ngam laamu maaro ɗon ɗon jaɓɓa hakkilo be jawdi marɗo.

He is currentlyTemplate:When the largest private investor in Gbarpolu County with the construction of a 25 bedroom guest house under construction in Bopolu City, and a major gas station at Bomi and Gbarpolu counties North Western border. He contested the by-election in 2007 on the petition of his people for Gbarpolu County to replace the late Senator Tormetie but lost to the Unity Party candidate.

Nder suɓaaji mawɗi ɗi Oktoobar 2011, nde o jeyaa e partiya National Patriotic Party, Jallah heɓii jooɗorde senatoore ngam Gbarpolu County, yeeso Daniel Naatehn. E nder nden jaalorgal, o woni neɗɗo arande nder taariika Liberia o heɓii jooɗorde senatoore nder diiwaan ɗiɗi.

Nder jeewte jeewte nder lewru Desemba 2014, hooreejo Pro Tempore, Gbezohngar Findley nder Grand Bassa County o maayi jooɗorde maako. Nder suɓaaji ɗi ɗi ɗi ɗi laatii haa ɗiɗoɓo arande, e 12 fuɗɗorgal 2015, senatoor Jallah ɗowtani senatoor Sinoe Joseph Nagbe e senatoor Margibi Oscar Cooper ngam o warde hooreejo senatoor Liberia.

O jeyaa e hooreejo leydi Liberia (NPL) nder suɓaaji 11 Oktoobar 2005, Jallah waɗi 18 nder suɓooɓe 22, o heɓii 0.4% suɓaaɓe.