Bryher debbo
Debbo Bryher woni debbo nder duuɓi ferre, ɓandu maako, nder nder maare e kaafahi, heɓti dow Bryher, Isles of Scilly, nder hitaande 1999. Nder hitaande 2023, anndal anndal anndini ngam jaaynde ɓesnguɓe cukalel holli mo debbo.
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]yanaande ndee ko demoowo oo yiyti ɗum e nder ladde, to Hillside Farm to Bryher e lewru marse 1999, nde werlaa makko tarakteer oo yani e leydi, o woppi ɗum haa o diwi hay kaaƴe mawɗe peeñninɗe cit oo. O yettii e nder luuti, o heɓtini dama. O jokkondiri e Musée Angalteer, wasiyii mo yo o naw ɗum to Islaam Muuseum, ɗo ɗum anndiraa kaafaahi njamndi La Tène II. Ndeen laamɗo Charles yilliima ngesa hee, o woni e njillu to duuɗe ɗee e lewru mee 1999, e eɓɓaande ngam ƴeewde, winndude e ƴellitde nokku oo, ko fedde Arkewolosi Cornwall waɗi, e nder fedde nde, e nder suudu defte Angalteer e Musee Angalteer
Ɓanndu ɗum anndini wonde neɗɗo duuɓi 25 ko maayɗo nder fuɗnaange fuɗnaande hitaande 1ɓiire BC.
Ha ɓaawo kaafahi nder kaɓirgal ko'e, ɓe tawi ko'e ko'e kaɓirɗe ko'e nder kaɓiri, e ko'e feere boo ɓe tawii ko'e kaafahi, ko'e ɓooyma kaafahi e ko'o, ko'o e ko'a e ko'i (ko'e fuu ko'e copper alloy), e ko'en ko'e tin. "Woo wondi hujjaji dow ma'aare nden ɗon hawta e ɓalli baali malla ɓalli e ɓalli ɓalli ɗi ɗon hawta bee ɓalli go'o e ɓalli dabbaaji feere".
The mirror and sword, after conservation, were given to the Isles of Scilly Museum, and Template:As of are displayed in the museum's visitor centre in the town hall on St Mary's after the closure of the museum's building.
Jaɓɓorgo Kewuuji pinal
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]"Naa' ko ɓaawo ɓaawo ɓooyi, ko ɓaawo ɗum ɓooyi ɓooyi". "Ɗo woni ɓooyi ɗiɗawɗi ɓooyi e ɓooyi", "ko ɓooyi ɗum ɓooyii ngam anndingo ɓooyi yimɓe".
"Wajde 2016 wi'i "Wajdi maɓɓe nder nder nder nder ɓandu neɗɗo gooto ɗon marki ko'e ma'a nder ɓandu ɓandu nder nder ɓaawo ɓandu ɓernde nder nder nder haɓɓugo ko'e ɗuɗɗe, ko'e nder nder nder ko'e mari mari mari mari hakkiilo e ko'e ko'e e nder ko'en nder ko'o mari mari mari ɓandu e ko'en e nder koore ɗe ɗon mari haɓɓugo dow haala ɓandu nder wakkati wakkati Iron Age British" e "Hillside Farm bana fuɗɗam ɗon holla ngam ngam hakkiilo ngam hakkiilu ko'e manngal ko'e dow ko'e ɓandu nder ɓandu, ngam walaa ko'e wi'i yimɓe e rewɓe ɗon woodi, malla ngam kuuje goɗɗe ɗon mari ma'a fuɗɗugo, ammaa ngam yaaki yaaki laawol feere to identity, personality, malla ma'a yeeso fuɗɗugo jaŋde".
Nder hitaande 2023, anndalnaaɓe Amerik huutorii laabi kesi ngam jaɓugo peptidi cembal, ɗi holli, bee 96% fota, neɗɗo nder yenaande o debbo.
Nder defte
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Deftere ɓikkoy Michael Morpurgo Sleeping Sword (2002, ) waɗi dow heɓuki kaafahi dow Bryher, hawti e kabaru Arthur. O hokki deftere to yimɓe Bryher, to o waɗi balɗe ɗuuɗɗe.