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Cecil Henry Ethelwood Miller

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Cecil Henry Ethelwood Miller
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
InndeCecil Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguMiller Taƴto
Sana'ajijudge, lawyer Taƴto
Position heldChief Justice of Kenya Taƴto

Cecil Henry Ethelwood Miller ko Guyanese-Kenyaaɗo ardiiɗo ardiiɓe leydi Kenya. O waɗi nder duuɓi 1986-1989 nden o jeyaa e Allan Robin Winston Hancox.

Fuuɗuki Miller

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  E hitaande 1982 o ardii Komiseer Ñaawirde toɗɗaaɗo ngam yuurnitaade tuumeede ko fayti e tuumeede ko fayti e gonnooɗo Jaagorgal leydi Keñiya biyeteeɗo Charles Mugane Njonjo caggal nde hooreejo leydi ndi hono Daniel arap Moi toɗɗii mo.

Ndaare kadi

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