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Cheryl Harris

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Cheryl Harris
ɓii aadama
Jinsudebbum Taƴto
InndeCheryl Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguHarris Taƴto
MarudeEarl Sweatshirt Taƴto
Sana'ajijannginoowo, law professor Taƴto
Field of workconstitutional law, critical race theory, civil and political rights, employment discrimination Taƴto
EmployerUniversity of California, Los Angeles Taƴto
Janngi toNorthwestern University Taƴto
ProfessorshipRosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Professor in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Taƴto
Academic appointmentUCLA Department of African American Studies, UCLA School of Law Taƴto

Cheryl I. Harris ko ganndo sariya Ameriknaajo, kadi ko ganndo ko faati e njiyaagu. Ko o porfeseer hakkeeji siwil e ndimaagu siwil to duɗal sariya UCLA.

Harris anndiraa e "Whiteness as Property", wonande nder nder nder nder hitaande 1993 nder Harvard Law Review. Nder deftere, Harris holli tagdi fuɗɗam fuɗɗam ɓale e ko ɗum hokkata nder ummaatoore maccuɓe.

Harris boo woni inna rapper, mawɗo songwriter e mawɗo album Earl sweatshirt.

Harris heɓii jaŋde maako arande nder Wellesley College nder hitaande 1973 e jaŋde J.D. nder Jaŋde Law Pritzker nder hitaande 1978.