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Crutch e bullitul moostengo bailette yaadu kosɗe taafaro ngal ɓendetol yimmbe kowterta laatiiɓe ngal ɓendetol kosɗe relluɓe kosɗe taafaro haɗarewal Mota latiɓe ngurgu,en

Distenore chutchens

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Chutchens ɗon kowterta e ancient Egypt e hiitande ndunngu alif 1917 e Emile schlick patented artungal heebeti too nder crutch e tsarewal ngaadowal hawtongo kowmgal sawru ranero e upper arm baawuɗo A,R lotstrand jr ndaatal arandal ngal crutches e nder jiytul ndenewal ngal crutches too bailetol reesorde tsarewal ɓaawo ngal nafooda gaaritogal kuwtarɗo

Jiytul crutches

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e woonde crutches fere fere

Too lesdi axillary

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axillary crutches e kowmgal kosngal dimma kawtal placing e pada haa ejowne e woonde ribcage e beneath e armpit e holding e grip laatingal parallet e pada e kowmgal bailette yaadu kosɗe taafaro ngal wallugol jiytul crutches ambulation haa too underarm crutches e saere towel e wamnde lamu ngal soft cover e waaɗite bukataje e prevent yattingo, armpit injury e yaanayije

E forearm crutches e jonne e woonde elbow crutches canadian cruch too relluɓe inɗe e cuff too jeeki forearm ngal ɗon wolwitagal hawterta e nder arm taa nder cuff e holding e grip e hinged cuff ngal ɓendetol kosɗe wandetare taa lekki plastic e metal e ngal walletaago

Platform platform

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E ɗon howterde taa relluɓe kosɗe e jungo, e grip strength taa relluɓe motsego, ko too yanayewal horizontal platform e ngal walletaa jungo too taa relluɓe motsego jungo e kosɗe

Firooji e gaits

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Ngo,tal crutches e ɗon howterde taa nder relluɓe kosɗe taafaro haɗareje

Four point gait

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E ngal walletaa jungo too nder baawngo kosɗe crutches kosgal nyamal e waalugo taa guttulle tati ɗe mawnungo taa saere

Kaayaje kowmgal

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E woonde kattakowje baawo kowmgal sawru e aluminiun alloys titanium alloys carbon e glass fibeer rainforced composites thermoplastic corbon fibeer reinforced polmer

Assistive technology walker