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Daande Konobo

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Luttugol nokkuure Konobo nder Grand Gedeh County
Daande Konobo
district of Liberia
LesdiLabiriyaa Taƴto
Nder laamooreGrand Gedeh County Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto5°45′32″N 7°52′30″W, 5°51′6″N 7°53′14″W Taƴto

Konobo District is one of three districts located in Grand Gedeh County, Liberia. The administrative seat of the District is Ziah Town. As of 2008, the District had 50,161 people making it the second most populated in Grand Gedeh County next to Gbarzon District. In area, it is about 1,400 square miles (3,600 km2).

Won feere nder nder nder lesdi fuunaaŋge, nder lesdi fuunngo, nder lesdi man, cuuɗi jaɓugo ceede CVI nder New Creek, Solo Camp e Belleh Yallah, ɗonno nder nokkuuje ɓurɗe anndugo nder nder lesdi man. Mining, lambu nder nder nder nder ɗuuɗal e yiide woni foondiral limce ngam yimɓe ɗuuɗɓe. Fedde ɗe yimɓe ɓe njooɗoto nder lesdi Amerika ɓe mbaɗata ceede ngam ɓe mbaɗoto. District ɗon woodi jaangirde mawde go'oto tan nder gariiri Ziah e go'oto nder polis lesdi Liberia.

Nder 2012, laamu Liberia ɗon haɓɓana be ɗon haɓɓita yimɓe feere feere ɓe ɗon wi'a diga District be nder nder Grand Gedeh ngam haɓɓugo haɓɓuki haɓɓuki lesdi, je ɗon sakki jamji UN Niger jeeɗiɗi e 8 yimɓe ummatoore ɓe maayi nder Coted'Ivoire. Yimɓe e ɗuuɗal yimɓe gariiri ɗon tokki wi'ugo ɓe hawtaayi nder kuuɗe ɗe'e, ɗuuɗɓe maɓɓe ɗon wi'a Monrovia nder kuuɗe feere feere dow yimɓe ɓe'e ɓe'e je'e ɓe ɓe'e nder lesdi lesdi lesdi lesdi maako.

Fedde nder nder diiwaan ɗon je ɗon je ɗon haandi be ɗon je ɗon ɓurna beje bana bana nder nder nder nder lesdi je ɗon haanda nder lesdi. Motorooji woni laawol jaɓɓorgo e nder feere feere laawol jaɓɓol ɓurna nder wakkati ndiyam. Duuɗe mawɗe ɗon haandi nder gariiri Ziah, nden ɗon hawta suudu jaango, suudu naa dow suudu ɗon haandi cuuɗi mawɗo gariiri e mawɓe feere, nden suudu baaba hooreejo lesdi Samuel Doe. Wondirde laawol waɗata ɓurna fuu e kuuɗe juuɗe, ɓurna bee cutlas for side brushing e axe for removing logs for hurting storms over or other features. Lodo tan nder diiwaan ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗo ɗo ɗo ɗo nder lesdi Liberia ɗon ɗon ɗon yahda nder diiwaan nder laawol maako haa nder diiwaan River Gee e Maryland.

District ɗo George Dweh Jr, hooreejo leydi leydi Liberia (NTLA) hakkunde 2003 e fuɗɗoode 2005, ɓaawo suɓaaji leydi 2005. Wakkati ɗo'o wakiilu suudu hooseere Liberia diga District woni Hon Marie Johnson mo je'i Hon George Boley nder suɓaaji je'eɓe 2023. Bana ɓurɗe ɗuuɗɗe nder Grand Gedeh, yimɓe ɗuuɗɓe ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗowtana koolaaɓe koolaaɗo ngam waylude demokaraasi (ko'o woni Congres for Democratic Change) (CDC) bana ɗum holli nder suɓaaji mawɗi 3 ɓaawo ɗon, to District walli Grand Gedeh waɗi ɓurɗe fahinde hooreejo leydi nder dowle fuu haa hitaande 2017 haa Grand Kru County wari. Mawɗo mawɗo leydi Grand Gedeh, Kai G.Farley, wonɗo ardiiɗo suudu wakiilo Liberia mo wakiliingo lesdi ndin nder senate diga 2006 haa 2012 o ardiiɗo partijo laamu diga 2005.

Nder lewru Janaare 2018, Roland B. Kai laatii mawɗo mawɗo nder Daande.

Mawɓe mawɓe mawɓe dowla Konobo: Konobo e Putu