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Daande Suakoko

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Luttugol Suakoko District nder Bong County
Suakoko District
district of Liberia
Named afterSuah Koko Taƴto
LesdiLabiriyaa Taƴto
Nder laamooreBong County Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto6°59′20″N 9°34′53″W Taƴto

Suakoko District (commonly spelled Suacoco abroad) is one of twelve districts located in Bong County, Liberia. Moreover, it is located in the south central portion of Bong County. A majority of the residents in this district are employees with the Phebe hospital and Cuttington University main campus. Others within the area are local laborers with workers and students who come into the area in search for jobs and/or education..

Ɗum nodditii ngam hooreejo Suah Koko Suakoko wonde wuro ɗo hooreejo e hooreejo Madam Suakoko, hooreejo konu 18's e 1900s mo haɓɓi ngam heɓugo leydi mum. Luttudu nden noddi ""Suakoko"" ngam daliila ardi maako e sembe maako bana konu. Daande nde feccitii nder kooje saare tati, Suakoko woni ɓurɗo mawnugo; ngam maajum, o laatii nokkuure kuuɓal mawɗo. Ɗum hawti e: kpatawee, kporyoqulleh, e Suakoko clan. Ɗum woodi yimɓe ɗuuɗal yimɓe 28.277 hawtiɓe e worɓe, rewɓe e sukaaɓe. Luttudu ɗon ha dow fombina fuɗnaare lesdi Bong, ɗon hawta ɓurna fuu bee cembiɗɗi e leydi cembiɗɗi. Limgal maako ɗon jeye nder leɗɗe mawɗe e leɗɗe ɗe ɓurɗe leɗɗe e dabbaaji je ɗon jeye (beeje, beeje, beeje ekn.) nder ɗuuɗal. Ngam ɗuuɗal yimɓe ma'a, Suakoko ɗon haandi babal babal babal babal bee jaayɗe ɗuuɗɗe e marɓe kuuje nder gasa. Ngam maajum daga nder kuuje fuu, suakoko woni nokkuure mawɗe ngam waɗugo kuuje fuu.