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Disease Prevention

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Sariya haɓaade ñawuuji (Metropolis) 1883[1] (46 & 47 Vict. c. 35) ko sariya parlemaa leydi Angalteer ƴettaa e hitaande 1883, e laamu laamɗo debbo biyeteeɗo Victoria.

Ko adii teeminannde ndee, fedde asilo (MAB) sosaa ko e les sariya miskineeɓe wuro 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c. 6) ngam haɓaade miskineeɓe ñawɓe Londres,[2] dogniraa ko no njuɓɓudi sariya miskineeɓe. Kono e nder ɓeydagol nguleeki baɗtuki e ñawuuji keewɗi e nder fuɗɗoode kitaale 1880, goomu laamɗo sosaa e hitaande 1881 ngam yuurnitaade no fotiri ngam haɓaade wonduɓe e ñawu nguu. Komisiyoŋ oo wasiyiima yo rokkude ñawɓe wonduɓe e ñawu nguu safaara e nder safrirde, tawa ina foti seertude e sariya miskineeɓe, tawa ina jeyaa e peeje cellal to Londres. Komisiyoŋ oo wasiyiima kadi yo miskineeɓe e ɓe ngonaa miskineeɓe ɓee mbaɗte no fotiri, hay so tawii noon ina waawi wonde cuuɗi ceertuɗi wonande waawɓe yoɓde.[3]

Sariya haɓaade ñawuuji (Metropolis) 1883, momtii no feewi ceergal hakkunde miskineeɓe e ɓe ngalaa miskineeɓe e nder rokkude MAB toppitagol safrirde.[4] Ina waɗi kadi batte ngam newnude cuuɗi safrirde ngam safrude ɓe ngonaa baasal yoɓooɓe kam e wonɓe e kasoo mum en, e fuɗɗoode teeminannde 20ɓiire won heen mbaawii hay golloraade ko wayi no opitaaluuji keertiiɗi.[5]



Siftinde ndeeɗoo kuulal e ndee tiitoonde juutnde, ko sariya tiitooɗe juutɗe 1896 yamiri ɗum.

Ayers (1971), p. 17

Ayers (1971), hello 76-78

Ayers (1971), p. 82

Mee (2011), h. 19


Ayers, Gwendoline M. (1971).

May, Trevor (2011), suudu kuugal Victoria, defte Shire, ISBN 978-0-74780-355-3