Elvia Ardalani
Kuugal ɗemngal
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Deftere maako arande, wurtunde nder 1989, waɗi darnde Por recuerdos viejos, por esos recuerdos (Fuu nder nder nder nder ko'e man, ngam nder nder nder man). Deftere nden wonnoo ko noddaama ngam heɓugo sariya José Fuentes Mares for Literature.
Deftere mum ɗiɗmere, De cruz y media luna, winndi diga Tierra de Libros e hitaande 1996. Poesji nder nder deftere nde'e ɗon haalde yiɗde dow ko'e maɓɓe nder laawol go'o: aduna kiristaanaaku e aduna musulmanaaku; aduna Hispaaniyanko'en e aduna Persiyaanu. The poems of this collection also visit the theme of maternity within the context of eroticism, sensuality, and plenitude. The poetic voice laats out a cartographic map of miscegenation for the child. This collection underwent a second edition and resulted in a bilingual edition, published by Claves Latinoamericanas in 2006, with the title: De cruz y media luna/From Cross and Crescent Moon. The second edition contains some changes in relation to the first edition.