Emily Montague Mulkin Bishop

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Emily Montague Mulkin Bishop (woowo, Mulkin; 3 Nuwambar 1858 - 22 Nuwambar 1916) wonnoo jaajinoowo e jannginoowo Delsartean Amerik nder ɓorniiji, hollaago e aada ɓalli. O anndini o go'o nder mawɓe jaayndiyaaɓe e winndiiɓe dow haala ngol nder leydi Amerika, e nder nden wakkati o huutori innde Emily M. Bishop. Bishop boo o ɗon wondi mo'o wayloowo. Nder defte maako hawti e Amerikanized Delsarte Culture (1892), Self-expression and Health: Americanized Delarte Culture (1895), Interpretive Forms of Literature (1903), Seventy Years Young, or The Unusual Way (1907), Daily Ways to Health (1910), e The Road to "Seventy Years Youth": Or, The Unusual way (1916).