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Ernest Cupidon

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Ernest Cupidon
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
InndeErnest Taƴto
Sana'ajiaktoji Taƴto

Ernest M. Cupidon ko Jamaykaajo, kooloowo e fiyoowo. O waɗii golle e nder deftere Herbert George de Lisser wiyeteende Susan Proudleigh, o anndaa ko e huutoraade ɗemɗe e patois.[1] O ɗon mari teddineego ngam o laati fijoowo arandeejo waddugo fijirle ɗemngal Kariibi haa fijirle Jamayka, nden o ɗon nodda "cakaare" nder taariiha fijirle lesdi ndi'i nder wakkatiire nde'e.[2] Cupidon ina gollinoo e kitaale 1930 e nder dingiral wellitaare Jamayka.

E nder golle makko, o gollodiima e naalankooɓe woɗɓe ina jeyaa heen Vere Johns e Tony Abelton.[3] E Ableton, o waɗii jimɗi e nder "Cuoea e Abes" e nder kitaale 1920a e 1930. Feccere e golle makko ko tawtoreede ñaawgol teyaaɗere ngam hollirde tuumaaɗo ina torlee ngam leñol mum. O [4]anndiranoo kadi ko waɗde rewɓe e dingiral.

  1. Belinda Edmondson (2009). Caribbean Middlebrow: Leisure Culture and the Middle Class. Cornell University Press. pp. 90–. ISBN 978-0-8014-4814-0.
  2. Belinda Edmondson (2009). Caribbean Middlebrow: Leisure Culture and the Middle Class. Cornell University Press. pp. 90–. ISBN 978-0-8014-4814-0.
  3. Marcus Garvey (1983). The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Vol. VII: November 1927-August 1940. University of California Press. p. 341. ISBN 9780520072084.
  4. Diana Paton (2015). The Cultural Politics of Obeah. Cambridge University Press. p. 300. ISBN 9781107025653.