Esther Kaplan

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Esther Kaplan woni jaayndiyanke kuugal e jaayndiyaaji kuugal nder nder nder nder suudu, nden o huwti diga ɓaawo ɗon nder suudu jaayndiyaaku, nder wuro, nder lesdi, nder radio o huuwi ngam WBAI. Kuugal maako wurtinaama nder Poz e Harper's Magazine. O woni jaayndiɗo deftere With God on Their Side George W. Bush and the Christian Right.Esther Kaplan woni jaayndiyankeewo jaayndiyaajo e jaayndiyeewo jaayndeewal e nder nder nder nder jaayndeeji, nden o huutorani haa arandee e nder The Centre for Investigative Reporting, Village Voice, e The Nation, nder radio o huutorano haa WBAI. Kuugal maako wurtini nder Poz e Harper's Magazine. O woni jaayndiyanke deftere With God on Their Side George W. Bush and the Christian Right.

Laamu[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]

Esther Kaplan mawnini nder duuɓi 1970 nder King's Valley, Oregon. Nder duuɓi 1980's o jooɗii nder New York City. O jaɓi Jaŋde Yale.

Kuugal[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]

  • Allah ɗon haa maɓɓe: no yimɓe kiristaana'en ɓe ɗon mari hakkiilo dow anndal, siyasa, e demokaraasi nder wuro White House George W. Bush. New Press, hitaande 2004.  

Firooji[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]

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