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Eye of the Storm (TV series)

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Eye of the Storm ko finafineje de fijirde ɓiy'en ɗi Britaniya, ɗi ardii e fuɗɗam hitaande 1993 e ITV. Woni diga Childsplay Productions e mawɗo Richard Cooper ngam mardi mardi marde ITV Meridian Broadcasting,,[1] dramaji je je je je ɗon jeyeego je jeyeego nder nder darnde arandeeji to bana bana bana bana no Children's ITV. Ɗum waɗi [2] Bill Nighy, Judy Parfitt, e Cordelia Bugeja..[2]

nder nokkuure nder DevoneHampshire ha nder baŋnge maayo maayo Angalteer, baaba e ɓiɗɗo debbo mo ɓe ɗon hakkilanta ngam anndugo ko laamu nguu ɓesdi ha ɓooyaaki dow nyau nyau man. Kuugal maɓɓe ɗon hawta bee haɗuki ɓurɗum ɓernde, hawti e huutoreeɓe ɓernde ɓernde ɓeydaaku dow baawɗe booɗugo ɓiyum ɓiyum booɗugo, e hawtaade maako bee baawɗe jamanuɗe ɗe baaba alchemist karnijum 17 wi'i.[3]

Fedde ndee heewde heewde e heewde ko heewɓe heewde, nde nde wonnoo e nder nder nder nder leydi ndii, ko ɗum waɗi, ko ɗum woni ko o waɗii, ko ɗum ɓeydiima e nder leydi ndiin. 'o nder nder nder nder hitaande go'o, Ool Of The Storm wurtinaama nder nder nder feere ngam yimɓe ɓe ndaaraama.

Tom Frewen, mo fuɗɗii warugo babal babal babal babal, o jooɗii nder maayo nder maayo maayo maayo maayo lesdi Ingilandi e ɓiyum maako Nell, o ɗon yi'a diga wuro maɓɓe nder doolal trawler, 'Eye of the Storm'. dow Montliskeard Bay nder Devon, ɓe ɗon ɗaɓɓita hawtuki maɓɓe bee haala waɗi wakkati duufaaji mawɗi 1987, to ndiyam ɓaŋgiingo to Felixstowe waɗi kuuje jowi ɗe mari hallude. Koo nde nayi nder kuuje ɗe ɓe njokki ɓe keɓii, ɗi njoweetati ɗon maayi. Lambaaji ɗi ɓurɗi ɓeydaade ngam nguurndam maayo ɗon hawti e Tom, ɗon ɗon fuɗɗi ɗaɓɓugo nokkuure nde kuuje ɗon. nder nde ɓe ɓooydi e nder nde ɓe ɗon ɓooyda, ɓe ɗon haani ɓe ɗon maaya nder nokkuure nde laamu nguu ɓooyni.[4]

Nder wakkati ɗon, sukaajo boojo boojo, Luke Montliskeard, ɗon huwta be huwta bee huwta nder wuro Montliskearde dow cukale bay ɓadiiɗe bee martuɗo maako martuɗo. yiɗi waɗugo nyau ndu'e nder ɗam nder ɓesngu; gooto e ardiiɓe Lukus, alkimista nder karnijum 17, Gilbert, waɗi tammude to hawtaade bee limmuɗe nder saare maako ngam hokkude baawɗe halkere. Ammaa, ngam o waawi mooɓta ɓe fuu, bandiraaɓe maako ɓe mburtini ɓe nde ɓe anndi ko o yiɗi. Martha ɗon ɗaɓɓita hayre'[4] ngam heɓugo ɓikkoy Montliskeard e naftoraago kuuje ɗe Luke yi'i dow ko'e ɗe o ɗon waɗa, ngam o yiɗi woodaago nder kuuje nder kuuje, ammaa o ɗon waɗa kuuje maako ɗe ɗe ɗe'e ɗe'e nde kuuje Frewens ɗon hawta.

Fooyre e jaaynde

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ɓesdaaki ngam haɓɓugo haɓɓugo nder yahugo Meridian Broadcasting bana tele ITV, Janie Grace (ko ɓesdaama Televisiyo South) (ko ɓaawo ɗum) jaɓi show tati ngam jaɓugo yimɓe ɓeen nder hitaande 1992. Kala ko yiɗi hawtaade e feere feere nder golle ɓalli ɓalli ɓoli; nder ɗi, Eye of the Storm ina yi'etee bana darnde drama Meridian ngam ɓaawo mum.

Woni ngam Meridian diga jaaynde teleeji ɗi bana Childsplay Productions, series ngal waɗi Peter Tabern e Richard Cooper. Bana hooreejo Childsplay gila fuɗɗam mum 1984, arande o dilli Thames Television ngam waɗugo seriji feere nder nder nder nder teediyaagal ɓaawoore Streetwise ngam TVS e sitcom All Change ngam Yorkshire Television nder nder nder ɗum, to ɗiɗmere o dilli diga nder teediyaaji haa tele nder duuɓi sappo ɓaawoore, ɓaawoore o windii nder nder nder seriji feere feere ɗi yimɓe maaki ngam yimɓe sukaaɓe.[5] hawti e Quest of Eagles for Tyne Tees, Codename Icarus for BBC, e Knights of God, kadi for TVS.

Eye of the Storm waɗi tan e Tabern, Cooper boo o waɗi ko o winndi. Fedde maako ɗon haalanki ha £ 1 million. Firo fotooji mawɗi waɗii e nokkuure nder daande Devon e Hampshire. Ngam kuuje ɗuuɗ ɗe waɗata nder maayo, ɗum huutori jaajorɗo jaajorgal ngam jaajorgo kuuje ɗe yimɓe ɗon ɗon nder ndiyam. Ɗeewɗe nder ɗon hawti e Cordelia Bugeja, nder kuugal teleeji maako arande. Kristopher Milnes waɗi 'o nder arannde mum mawɗe dow filu, caggal golle mawɗo wolde e ɓaawo nde o holli ɓurɗo sukaaɓe Scrooge nder The Muppet Christmas Carol.

Bill Nighy e Judy Parfitt ɓe waɗi dow dow Bugeja e Milnes's dow dow ardiiɓe mawɓe, ko'e maɓɓe. Nde ɓaditi Nighy ngam darnde maako, Nighy jaɓii ɗum bee ɓernde belɗum, ngam o yiɗi o laato nder nder nder teleeji ɗi ɓiɗɗo maako debbo Mary Nighy duuɓi joweeɗiɗi o waawi yi'ugo ɓaawo ɓesngu ɓaawo ɓaawo ɓeydaade ɓaawo ɓooyi ɗi ɓaawo ɓooyma ɓaawo ɓoyma ɓooyi. Nder haaldeji ɗi ɓaawo, o wi'i o miijoo kadi haala series "ko wonde "kaɗal jaaynde mawnde".

Nder nder nder nder nder programma fuɗnaande fuɗnaange nder Meridian, ɗum ɗon haɓɓaa tan e nder jemma fuɗnugo nder nder suudu (gootol hitaande 1993), ko'e seɗɗa ɗe'e nder film Eye of the Storm ɗon holla Michael Palin e Neil Buchanan. Ɗe ɗon holla bee ko'e arandeeji Zzzap!, ko ɗum waɗi Buchanan ngam sukaaɓe ɓii-ɓii, e Wizadora ngam sukaaje ɓii-ngiri, holli huutoreeji Meridian ɗi arandeeji ngam yimɓe sukaaɓe. [6]

Fuuɓal Fuuɓol ngol waɗii ñalnde 8 lewru 1 1993. Fedde[4] je je je je ɗon je ɗon jeye nder lesdi lesdi fuu bee laawol ITV, nden ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon holla saa'i 4:40 jemma, nder jamma je ɗon haɓɓooɗum nder ITV. Fedde nde nde'e ko ɓaawo nde'e nder nder nder nder darnde nde'e, nder nder nder duɗal, Glenn Kinsey, diga nder Broad Street Central, Birmingham, haa nde'e ɓaawo nde ɓe ummitoo nder nder nder suudu Gas Street Studios nder hitaande 1998. leydi , Eye of the Storm ɗum haɓɓii e Link Entertainment; seriel ngal kadi hollitii nder Australia e nder ABC, e nder tele paytal Nickelodeon (ko fuɗɗam Max) nder duuɓi 1990s, e nder leydi Jarmalen e nder denndaangal Der Fluch der Edelsteine dow ZDF nder hitaande 1994.

Yimɓe e yimɓe

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  • Bill Nighy as Tom Frewen
  • Cordelia Bugeja as Nell Frewen
  • Judy Parfitt as Martha Tabbert
  • Kristopher Milnes as Luke Montliskeard
  • John McGlynn as Runceford/Erlingham
  • Felipe Izquierdo as Rob Appleton
  • Deborah Poplett as Fran Tuett
  • Philip McGough as Henry Price
  • Michael Feast as Tiarks
  • Tony Bluto as Howie
  • Mark Tandy as Barnes
  • Neil Clark as Doctor
  • Granville Saxton as Gilbert Montliskeard
  • Terence Bayler as James Montliskeard
  • Richard Dixon as Matthew Montliskeard
  • Gabrielle Cowburn as Cheryl
  • Jeannie Crowther as Florrie
  • Geoffrey McGivern as Customs Officer


Jaɓɓorgo Kewuuji pinal e jaɓɓorgo

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fijirde fuɗɗam, Fuuɗol Fuuɗal ina laatii ko heewde. Winndorɗo ɓamtaare Richard Cooper heɓii jaaynde mawɗo ngam kuugal maako dow kuugal ngal; o ɓaawo o wari bee jaaynde nden e Fred Dineage nder nder nder kuugal nder Meridian, The First Year, kuugal telebiisiyon ngal ɗon ɗaɓɓita dow ɓurɗe ɓurnde nder lebbi 12 fuɗɗam nder kuugal. Ha taariibe e ko'e jaayndeeji ɗi o jaayndi e nder Times Educational Supplement e nder film, Cooper waɗi ko o jaaynde e nder film Childrensplay Productions, ɓe o golli e maɓɓe nder BBC'en nder film Children of the New Forest, ko o waɗi nder hitaande 1998.[5]

Ko adii e jaɓɓaade e nder nder nder nder warugo Meridian e The Stage, ko o heɓata e nder nder go'o, ko o waawi heɓugo go'o e nder go'to, ko o woni jaɓoowo e nder nder kuutoragol ɓiyum ITV, Dawn Airey, o wi'i o yaafata diga nder nder nder kuugal ɓiyum ngam yimɓe ɓiyum, o wiɗiti e wiɗto dow anndal dow ɗum ɗon ɓuwa e jaɓugo kuugal feere feere bana Knightmare nder laawol. Ɓaawo ɗun, Fuuɗugo Fuuɗungo ɗon heɓataa fuɗɗugo. Ɗum waɗi go'o nder CITV nder lewru Yuli e lewru Agust hitaande ɓaawo nden, nden kam ɗum wurtake koo feere feere feere diga saa'i maajum. 2022, jaaynde ɗiɗmere nde'e ɗon haɓa ngam yi'ugo to BFI Mediatheque Southbank. Nder ɓaawo Childsplay production Pirateji, hakkillaaji jaayndeeji nder duniyaaru nder nder Entertainment Rights nder 2000s caggal ɓe jaɓi Link Entertainment.

Yiite Ɓamtaare heɓii anndal ɓurngal ɓeydaaki e wakkati, e hawtuki ɓeydaani hakkunde ɗum e feere feere ɓeydaama e ɗemngal ɓamtaare, Life Force, haa yaltina ɗum ɓeydaade dow jaaynde fuɗɗam nder hitaande 2000. ngam BFI nder The Hill and Beyond: Children's Television Drama, mawɗo Doktoor Who Magazine jarnamaako Alistair McGown yi'i serial ngal haani ɓeydaade dow ɓeydaaki dow ɓamtaare ɓernde, huunde mo o andini woodi potal. [4]"Ko e nder nder maɓɓe ɓe "wurtini golle maɓɓe" e ɓe huutori huutoreeji ɗi ɗi ɓe waɗi, McGown holli kadi ɗiɗo ɗi ɓe waɗi e dow hawti e haalaaji, ɓe hawti e maɓɓe, ɓe hawri e "ko ɓuri heewde e maɓɓe".

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  1. "Eye of the Storm". life-force.co.uk. Archived from the original on February 17, 2001. Retrieved July 28, 2022.
  2. "Eye of the Storm BFI". www2.bfi.org.uk. BFI. Archived from the original on April 20, 2021. Retrieved September 15, 2022.
  3. May, Dominic (October 1, 1992). "News". TV Zone. United Kingdom: Visual Imagination. Retrieved September 12, 2022.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named The Hill and Beyond
  5. 5.0 5.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named independent
  6. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named First Night on Meridian