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Fuuɗol Shangani

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Fuule Shangani nder fukule Fuule Gwayi (jidde)

Shangani woni maayo nder Zimbabwe je fuɗɗii ha ɓadi Gweru,Gweru River je je je je haɗi nder ko ɓuri haɗi e nder lesdi Midlands e Matabeleland North.O ɗon ɓuwa nder maayo Gwayi.

Fuule Shangani woni nokku ɗo konu 4 Desemba 1893 Shangani Patrol waɗi nder konu nde Major Allan Wilson e 31 worɓe nder British South Africa Company maayi ngam konu Matabele.Yimɓe Amerika ɗiɗo tan,Frederick Russell Burnham e Pete Ingram,e wootere Austraaliyanko'en, W.L.Gooding, njooɗini nyau man.