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Gerasimos Danilatos

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Gerasimos D. Danilatos (anndiraaɗo kadi Gerry D. Danilatos) (jibinaa ko hedde 1946) ko ganndo fisik mo leydi Gerek-Ostarali, kadi ko o jibinoowo mikroskoop elektoronik ƴeewndotooɗo nokkuuji (ESEM).[1][2]

O jibinaa nder Cefalonia, Girka. Caggal nde leydi Ionia waɗi nder hitaande 1953, saare maako ngari to Patras, to o yahi nder jaŋde fuɗɗam e jaŋde mawɗe.

Caggal jaŋde mawɗe e nder konu, o jaŋgi nder National e Kapodistrian University of Athens o timmini jaŋde physics e nder nder nder. E hitaande 1972, o dilli to Australia, o waree e hitaande 1979. O heɓii PhD diga University of New South Wales nder lewru Janaare 1978 caggal nde o timmini "ɗawraaku masin dow kuuɗe keratin fibre". Bana mo anndal dow dowle janngirde nde, o ɓeydi ESEM, caggal nde yimɓe feere fuɗɗiima yiɗugo jaɓugo jaɓɓaade jaɓɓaaki nder nder nder nderji. Fuu e nder ɓurɗe fuu, o heɓii walliigu jawdi diga Australian Wool Corporation haa hitaande 1986. Nder hitaande 2003, o heɓi Ernst Abbe Memorial Award diga New York Microscopical Society ngam kuuɗe maako nder yonki.

  1. Danilatos, G.D. (1988). "Foundations of Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy". Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics. 71. Academic Press. pp. 109–250. ISBN 978-0-12-014671-0.
  2. Danilatos, G.D. (1990). "Theory of the Gaseous Detector Device in the ESEM". Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics. 78. Academic Press. pp. 1–102.

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