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Henry Habib Ayrout

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Henry Habib Ayrout
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuMisra Taƴto
InndeHenry Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo1907 Taƴto
Date of death10 Seeɗto 1969 Taƴto
WoldeArabic, Faransinkoore Taƴto
Sana'ajisocial scientist Taƴto
DiinaCatholic Church Taƴto

Henri Habib Ayrout, S.J. (1907 – 10 abriil 1969) ko binndoowo, jannginoowo, kadi ko almuudo jesuit to Ejipt.

Baaba makko Habib Ayrout ko mahoowo Ejiptnaajo, iwdi Aleppinaaɓe Siri, golloowo to Kayhayɗi, Ejipt.[1] Caggal nde o janngi to Pari, o woni injenieer-architecte, o tawtoraama peewnugol e mahngo Heliopolis (subburb Kayhayɗi). Miñiraaɓe makko ɗiɗo Charles Ayrout e Max Ayrout kadi ko mahooɓe gollotooɓe to Kayhayɗi.[2]

Ayrout ko jannginoowo e ganndo renndoyankeewo, sosɗo Fedde Katolik ngam Duɗe Ejipt e hitaande 1940. Janngugol makko fellahin Ejipt, The Egyptian Peasant, fuɗɗii yaltude ko e ɗemngal Farayse e hitaande 1938[3], ina hiisee wonde ko golle mawɗe e ndeeɗoo toɓɓere. </ref> and is regarded as a major work on the subject.[3] O woniino daraniiɗo moƴƴitingol leydi e nder leydi Ejipt.[5] Ayrout wonnoo ko gardiiɗo duɗal jesuit en to Faggala tuggi 1962 haa o sankii.</ref> Ayrout was rector of the Jesuit College in Faggala from 1962 until his death.[4] He was the founder of the Association of Upper Egypt for Education and Development. Ko kanko sosi Fedde Jaŋde e Ɓamtaare Misra Toownde.

E wiyde porfeseer Timothy Mitchell, Ayrout winndii deftere mum (caggal ɗuum nde wonti deftere) ko fayti e remoowo Ejiptnaajo mo alaa ko anndi e mum e nder ladde Ejipt. O jibinaa ko to Kayhayɗi, o ummii Ejipt e dow fenaande e hitaande 1926 tawi omo yahra e duuɓi sappo e jeetati, o salii yiɗde baaba makko ngam jokkude golle e nder mahngo, woni golle galle. Ayrout fuɗɗii jaŋde duuɓi sappo e ɗiɗi to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde jesuit en to Lyon. Jannde makko timmunde e remoowo Misra yalti ko e binndol duuɓi sappo caggal ɗuum, o heɓi heen humpitooji e golle baɗɗe Winifred Blackman "The Fellahin of Upper Egypt" e binndanɗe makko e wonnooɓe e annduɓe duɗe to Kayhayɗi tawi baabiraaɓe mum en ina njoginoo nokkuuji ndema keewɗi. Ko haawnii heen, Ayrout meeɗaa naatde e ladde Misra e nder binndol deftere ndee.[7]

Mitchell ɓeydi heen wonde deftere Ayrout ndee tuugii ko e “laabi taariindi” ina waɗi kadi “kelme njiyaagu” ɗe njiyaagu ganndal Gustave Le Bon ƴetti.[8]

  1. Heliopolis, tagoore e assimilaasiyoŋ wuro Orop e nder leydi Ejipt e nder leydi hee
  2. Timothy Mitchell Laamu annduɓe: Ejipt, Tekno-politik, jamaanu, jaaynde duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Kaliforni, 2002, h. 332
  3. Henry Habib Ayrout, Ɓoornugol e koɗki yimɓe, Pari: Payot, 1938. Sifaa Williams, John Alden, « yeeso » e bayyinaango 2005 ngo AUC Press yaltini, h. vi.
  4. Timothy Mitchell, “Fuɗɗude e heɓɓitaade remoowo Misra” defte 2016-04-09 to masiŋ Wayback, Jaaynde winndereyankoore jannde Fuɗnaange hakkundeejo 22 (1990), 129-150.
  5. Heeter J. Sharki (2013). Evangelicals Ameriknaaɓe to Misra: Kawrital Misiyoŋaaji e nder jamaanu Laamu: Kawrital Misiyoŋaaji e nder Duuɓi Laamu. Jaaynde jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Princeton. p. 194. Ɗemngal 978-1400837250. Ko ƴettaa koo ina tawee e defte Google.
  6. Wiliyam, p. xi
  7. Mitel, Timote (2002). Laamu annduɓe : Ejipt, tekno-politik, jamaanu. Berkeley: jaaynde duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Kaliforni. p. 146.
  8. Mitel, Timote (2002). Laamu annduɓe : Ejipt, tekno-politik, jamaanu. Berkeley: jaaynde duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Kaliforni. 132-135.
  1. Héliopolis, création et assimilation d’une ville européenne en Égypte au xxesiècle https://books.openedition.org/pufr/3077?lang=en
  2. Timothy Mitchell Rule of Experts: Egypt, Techno-Politics, Modernity, University of California Press, 2002, pg. 332
  3. Timothy Mitchell, "The Invention and Reinvention of the Egyptian Peasant" Template:Webarchive, International Journal of Middle East Studies 22 (1990), 129-150.
  4. Williams, pg. xi