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Horace Evans, 1st Baron Evans

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Evans maa siftore no gooto e inɗe cafroowo ɓurɗe anndeede e jamaanu makko wondude e Lord Dawson mo Penn e Lord Horder.[8]
Horace Evans, 1st Baron Evans
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuBiritaani-Mawndi Taƴto
InndeHorace Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguEvans Taƴto
Noble titleBaron Evans Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo1 Siilo 1903 Taƴto
ƊofordeMerthyr Tydfil Taƴto
Date of death26 Yarkomaa 1963 Taƴto
FatherHarry Evans Taƴto
MotherEdith Gwendoline Rees Taƴto
Dee/goriiwoHelen Aldwyth Davies Taƴto
MarudeJean Rosemary Evans, unknown daughter Evans Taƴto
Sana'ajiphysician, ngaɗoowo siyaasaje Taƴto
Position heldmember of the House of Lords Taƴto
Janngi toLiverpool College, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Taƴto
Award receivedCroonian Medal and Lecture, honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Taƴto

Horace Evans, 1er Baron Evans GCVO (1 lewru Yarkomaa 1903 – 26 lewru Oktoobar 1963) ko cafroowo mawɗo Gallesnaajo ganndiraaɗo gollanaade galle laamɗo Angalteer.

Ɓiɗɗo jimoowo biyeteeɗo Harry Evans, Evans woppi jaŋde mum e nder jimɗi ko ina tolnoo e duuɓi 18 ngam jokkude golle safaara. O gollodiima e Sir Arthur Ellis mo duɗal jaaɓi-haaɗtirde safaara to Londres, o golliima e ñawu Bright e jokkondire hakkunde nefritis (ɓuuɓri ƴiiƴam) e hipertension (ƴiiƴam toowɗam). Evans wonnoo ko cafroowo laamɗo George VI, o yeewtidi e Sir Clement Price Thomas e sahaa ñawu laamɗo oo e opereeji ɓuuɓɗi lolluɗi e hitaande 1951.

E wiyde daartoowo biyeteeɗo Peter Hennessy, Evans ko "ina gasa tawa ko cafroowo mawɗo mawɗo e yonta makko". Kono e hitaande 1953, o neldi jaagorde caggal leydi biyeteeɗo Anthony Eden ngam waɗde opereeji, ɗi cellal Eden meeɗaa sellude haa laaɓi, opereeji ɗi yeewtereeji keewɗi mbaɗi.[1]

Gooto e ɓiɓɓe makko rewɓe maayi e aksidaa nde o woni suka, Evans e debbo makko fof maayi ko e hitaande 1963, ɓe ngoppi baroniiji ɗii.

Nguurndam e jaŋde puɗɗagol Evans jibinaa, mawni ko to Dowlais sara Merthyr Tydfil, ɓiy jimoowo mawɗo biyeteeɗo Harry Evans e Edith Gwendolen (jibinaa ko Rees). O heɓi jaŋde makko adannde ko to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Liverpool.[2] Miñiiko gorko, Hubert, wonti dipolomaat, ammbasadeer to Nikaraguwaa hakkunde 1952 e 1954</ref> He received his early education at Liverpool College.[3] His younger brother, Hubert, became a diplomat, ambassador to Nicaragua between 1952 and 1954.[4]Ɓooytaani ɓesngu makko ummii to Liverpool nde baaba makko rokkaa golle gardiiɗo fedde wiyeteende Liverpool Welsh Choral Union ko ɗuum waɗi Evans neldaa to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Liverpool ngam janngude. Caggal maayde baaba makko, o naati jaŋde to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Guildhall nde o yahrata e duuɓi 12, caggal ɗuum o yahi to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde City of London.[5] Nde o heɓi duuɓi 18, o felliti waɗde golle safaara, e ballal ganndal,[6] o janngi to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde safaara to London Hospital tuggi 1921 haa 1928.[4] E hitaande 1925, o heɓi dipolomaaji jokkondirɗi e MRCS, LRCP.[7] In 1925, he acquired the conjoint diploma of MRCS, LRCP.[8] This inspiration to pursue a career in medicine possibly came from his grandfather who was a pharmacist.[9] Ndee ɗoo yiɗde jokkude golle safaara ina gasa tawa ummorii ko e mawniiko gorko farmasiyanke.


He then gained a wide range of clinical experience by taking up posts in surgery, obstetrics, anaesthetics and pathology. By 1933, Evans was the medical unit's assistant director. He was selected as assistant physician at the London Hospital in 1936. By 1947, he was full physician.[11]

Fuɗɗoode golle Wontude balloowo e fedde safrooɓe to opitaal Londres e hitaande 1929, Evans jokkondiri no feewi e Sir Arthur Ellis e Clifford Wilson. Kono, eɓɓoore makko adannde e MRCP ndee, o dañaani, o fotnoo ko artirde e hitaande 1930. E nder hitaande ndee tan o dañi MD. Golle makko gadane ko cafroowo galle Sir Arthur e o walli Sir Arthur gila e fuɗɗoode golle makko.[12] In addition, in 1957 he was created Baron Evans, of Merthyr Tydfil in the County of Glamorgan.<ref>

Ndeen o dañii humpitooji keewɗi e nder safaara, o ƴetti golle e nder seppooji, e nder jibinannde, e nder anestetik e nder patoloji. E hitaande 1933, Evans wonnoo ko balloowo gardiiɗo fedde safaara. O suɓaama ngam wonde balloowo cafroowo to opitaal London e hitaande 1936. E hitaande 1947, o wonii cafroowo timmuɗo.[4] Ɓe ngondi e Sir Arthur, ɓe ngoni ko e lollude e golle maɓɓe e ñawu Bright e jokkondiral hakkunde hipertension e nefritis. E nder wolde ndee, ndeeɗoo wiɗto hollitaama e Sir Arthur e nder yeewtere Croonian e hitaande 1941 to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde safrooɓe laamɗo.[13] Together with Sir Arthur, they became renowned for their work on Bright's disease and the link between hypertension and nephritis. During the war, this research was presented by Sir Arthur in the Croonian lectures of 1941 at the Royal College of Physicians.[14]

Cafroowo laamɗo oo Evans jokki golle mum to opitaal Londres, o wonti cafroowo laamɗo debbo biyeteeɗo Mary e hitaande 1946, caggal maayde Lord Dawson mo Penn e dow wasiya Lord Webb-Johnson, hooreejo duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde laamɗo. O wonii caggal ɗuum cafroowo ɓiyiiko, laamɗo George VI gila 1949, o heɓi njeenaari konu (Komandant konu Ordre Royal Victorian) e hitaande ndee tan. e taaniiko debbo, laamɗo debbo biyeteeɗo Elizabeth II, gila 1957. Yanti heen, e hitaande 1957 o sosaa ko Baron Evans, mo Merthyr Tydfil e nder diiwaan Glamorgan.[15] In addition, in 1957 he was created Baron Evans, of Merthyr Tydfil in the County of Glamorgan.<ref>

Evans ina jeyaa e ekipaaji toppitiiɗi laamɗo George VI e sahaa nde o wondi e caɗeele ɓuuɓɗe haa o maayi.


Evans was part of the team that looked after King George VI during his ill health with lung problems and up until his death.[16]

Evans e Antoni Eden Operation gonɗo e ƴiiƴam Anthony Eden e hitaande 1953 addani ɗum jeewte keewɗe.[17] Eden ina selli e ɓuuɓri reedu toowndi gila 1945. Keewgol ñawu nguu ina ɗaɓɓi ñawbuuli tiiɗɗi e sahaaji fooftere, addani wiɗtooji ɓurɗi yaajde. Rajo-X hollitii kaaƴe galleeji, Eden ko politik teeŋtuɗo, cafroowo laamɗo oo noddiraa ngam wasiyaade. E nder lewru, Evans wasiyiima yo opereeji. Seernaaɓe tato ina wasiyee e kuulal gadanal, ngal Eden ƴetti, ko wonde John Basil Hume, seernaaɓe ummoriiɗo to opitaal St Bartholomew, ina foti waɗde seernaaɓe ɓee e hitaande 1953. Hume ko adii ɗuum waɗiino appendektomi Eden. Ina nanondiraa wonde opereeji gadani ɗii mbaɗii bonnugol ƴiiƴam, ko ɗum huunde anndaande no feewi e oon sahaa, tee opereeji keewɗi moƴƴi ina hatojini caggal ɗuum e Richard Cattell, kadi ko wasiya Evans. Wiyde opereeji ɗii ina poti waɗeede e nder leyɗeele dentuɗe Amerik, ko Winston Churchill salii ɗum, sibu o miijii wonde so laamɗo oo waɗii opereeji mum e dow « taabal coofngal » , Eden ina waawi ko famɗi fof waɗde opereeji mum to opitaal to Londres, kono Evans e Cattell njilliima ɓe to 10 Downing Street ɓe nanondiri e yahdu nduu caggal leydi.[18][19] E nder kiris Suez, Evans ina jokkondiri e sahaaji keewɗi e EEvans maa siftore no gooto e inɗe cafroowo ɓurɗe anndeede e jamaanu makko wondude e Lord Dawson mo Penn e Lord Horder.

O limtaama no feewi wonde ko o "cafrooɓe mawɓe cakkitiiɓe".[20]<ref> E nder konngol makko e hitaande 1958 o wiyi :

"Mbele a teskiima no ñawɓe maa ƴeewrata ma e tiiɗnaare nde meeɗaa hokkude, hay so tawii ko fijoowo? Kala konngol ngol kaalɗaa, kala golle ɗe mbaɗata ina njogii maanaa keeriiɗo wonande moƴƴere walla ñawu, tawa ina jogii miijo ngo ma a taw koyɗol. Ñawɗo ko... peculiarly sensitive to kala konngol walla golle ɗe ngonaa laaɓtuɗe haa timma, miijo seeɗa e kala ko wonaa nuunɗal ina waawi addude mette e tampere.'"</ref> Both Helen and Evans died in 1963.[21]

Ko heewi e luure ɗee ina gasa tawa meeɗaa safreede. Evans wonnoo ko e sahaa nde "sirruuji ñawɓe njahdi e maɓɓe to yanaande".


Evans will be remembered as one of the most widely known physician names of his time along with Lord Dawson of Penn and Lord Horder.[23]

Evans wonnoo ko e rafi e duuɓi mum cakkitiiɗi, o ɗaɓɓi opereeji mawɗi e nder reedu makko e hitaande 1962. O meeɗaa sellude haa timmi, o maayi ko e hitaande 1963 tawi omo yahra e duuɓi 60.


Many of the controversies may never be solved. Evans was of a time where "patient's secrets went to the grave with them".[25]

Ƴeew kadi Doggol ardiiɓe safaara Welsh


Peter Hennessy, Jogaade ɗum no moƴƴi: Angalteer e nder duuɓi capanɗe joyi (2007) pp 408-9.
Braasch, John W. (Noowammbar 2003). "Anthony Eden (Joom Avon) ko faati e ƴiiƴam". Annals ko opereeji. 238 (5): 772-775. Doi:10.1097/01.sla.0000094443.60313.da. ISSN 0003-4932. PMC 1356158. PMID 14578742.
"Evans, HOrace, 1er. Baron Evans mo Merthyr TyDFil (1903 - 1963), cafroowo | Saggitorde nguurndam Welsh".
"Munks Roll Details ngam Horace, Baron Evans mo Merthyr Tidfil Evans". munksroll.rcplondon.ac.uk. Ƴeewtaa ko ñalnde 23 Duujal 2017.
Mo wonnoo Mo, ko A&C Black Limited yaltini ɗum. Jaaynde internet, 2020
"Defterdu ngenndiiru Wales :: Saggitorde nguurndam Wales". yba.llgc.org.uk. Ƴeewtaa ko ñalnde 23 Duujal 2017.
"Joomiraawo Evans mo Merthyr Tydfil - Cafroowo haa laamiiɗo debbo". Pot Fulɓe. 19 lewru Mbooy 2017. Ƴeewtaa ko 24 Duujal 2017.
Ellis, Harold (2005). "Horas Evans: cafroowo laamu". Jaaynde Angalteer ko faati e safaara opitaal. 74 (12). MA Cellal: 704. Doi: 10.12968/hmed.2013.74.12.704. ISSN 1750 haa 8460. PMID 24326725.
Angalteer, Koolaaɗo kuuɓal laamɗo oo. "Evans, Sir Horace, Joomiraawo Evans mo Merthyr Tydfil - Nastugo nder taariiha maako - Nguurndam Plarr dow enternet". rcseng.ac.uk. Ƴeewtaa ko ñalnde 23 Duujal 2017.
"Nokku 41116". Jaaynde Londres. 2 sulyee 1957. p. 3964.
CH, Rt Hon Lord Owen (1 lewru juko 2005). "Batte ñawu gardiiɗo jaagorɗe leydi ndii hono Anthony Eden e ƴettugol kuule makko e nder kiris Suez". QJM: Jaaynde winndereere ko faati e safaara. 98 (6): 387-402. Doi:10.1093/qjmed/hci071. ISSN 1460-2725. PMID 15879438.
Kunne, Jibriil (2003). "Bile duct Anthony Eden: natal gardiiɗo ñawɗo - Binndanɗe". Dokumen.min. Ƴeewtaa ko ñalnde 27 Duujal 2017.
"Sir Horace Evans - Ɓoornugol". www.taariindi-mertir.com. Ƴeewtaa ko ñalnde 23 Duujal 2017.

Peerage leydi Angalteer Tagngo keso Baron Evans 1957-1963 majjii Categoriiji: Jibinannde 19031963 maaydeSafrooɓe Welsh teeminannde 20ɓiireKnights Grand Cross of the Royal VictorianYimɓe jannguɓe to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde LiverpoolBaronuuji ndonaandi ɗi Elizabeth II sosiGollotooɓe safrooɓe tedduɓe to opitaal laamɗo Edward VII ngam ofiseeji Ngoo hello sakkitii bayyineede ko ñalnde 31 Siilo 2024, waktu 14:55. Binndol ina tawee e les njiimaandi Creative Commons 4.0; sarɗiiji ɓeydooji ina mbaawi huutoreede. So a huutoriima lowre ndee, a jaɓii Sarɗiiji kuutoragol e Kuutorgal Sirlu. Wikipedia® ko maande njulaagu winnditaande Fedde Wikimedia, Inc., fedde nde wonaa laamuyankoore.

  1. "EVANS, HORACE, 1st. BARON EVANS of MERTHYR TYDFIL (1903 - 1963), physician | Dictionary of Welsh Biography".
  2. "Munks Roll Details for Horace, Baron Evans of Merthyr Tydfil Evans". munksroll.rcplondon.ac.uk. Retrieved 2017-12-23.
  3. Who Was Who, Published by A&C Black Limited. Online edition, 2020
  4. "The National Library of Wales :: Dictionary of Welsh Biography". yba.llgc.org.uk. Retrieved 2017-12-23.
  5. "Lord Evans of Merthyr Tydfil – Physician to the Queen". The Melting Pot (in Engeleere). 2017-05-19. Retrieved 2017-12-24.
  6. Ellis, Harold (2005). "Horace Evans: royal physician". British Journal of Hospital Medicine. MA Healthcare. 74 (12): 704. doi:10.12968/hmed.2013.74.12.704. ISSN 1750-8460. PMID 24326725.
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  15. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named :26
  16. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named :27
  17. CH, The Rt Hon Lord Owen (2005-06-01). "The effect of Prime Minister Anthony Eden's illness on his decision-making during the Suez crisis". QJM: An International Journal of Medicine (in Engeleere). 98 (6): 387–402. doi:10.1093/qjmed/hci071. ISSN 1460-2725. PMID 15879438.
  18. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named :32
  19. Kunne, Gabriel (2003). "Anthony Eden's bile duct: portrait of an ailing leader - Documents". Docslide.us (in Engeleere). Retrieved 2017-12-27.
  20. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named :06
  21. England, Royal College of Surgeons of. "Evans, Sir Horace, Lord Evans of Merthyr Tydfil - Biographical entry - Plarr's Lives of the Fellows Online". livesonline.rcseng.ac.uk (in Engeleere). Retrieved 2017-12-23.
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