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Hubert Constant

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Hubert Constant
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuHayti Taƴto
InndeHubert Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguConstant Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo18 Siilto 1931 Taƴto
ƊofordeCamp-Perrin Taƴto
Date of death23 Siilto 2011 Taƴto
Place of deathHayti Taƴto
Sana'ajiCatholic priest, Catholic bishop Taƴto
Position heldCatholic archbishop, diocesan bishop Taƴto
DiinaCatholic Church Taƴto
Religious orderMissionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Taƴto
ConsecratorFrançois Gayot, Jean Alix Verrier, Joseph Willy Romélus Taƴto

Hubert Constant born on the 18th of September, 1931 in Camp-Perrin, South of Haiti and died on the 23rd of September 2011 was the Roman Catholic metropolitan archbishop of Cap-Haïtien.

O waɗii hooreejo diina nder Oblates of Mary Immaculate (O.M.I.) nder lewru 15 lewru Septemba 1958, Msgr. Constant nodditii bishop of Fort-Liberté nder hitaande 1991 e bishop ardiiɗo Cap-Haïtien nder hitaande 2003. O hooti nder hitaande 2008.Nder lewru Nowambar 5, 2003, ɓe ndilli mo to wuro cap-Haïtien. O jooɗii ton haa 1 Maars 2008, nde Papa Benedict XVI jaɓɓi jaɓugo maako e suɓugo Louis Kébreau bana mo.

O wondi ardiiɗo diina nder Oblates of Mary Immaculate (O.M.I.) nder 15 Septemba 1958.E 31 Januwuru 1991, John Paul II suɓii mo bishop arandeeji Fort-Liberté. O wondi haɓɓoowo e 7 abriil e bishop François Gayot, arbishop of Cap-Haïtien.Nder lewru Nowambar 5, 2003, ɓe ndilli mo to wuro cap-Haïtien. O jooɗii ton haa 1 Maars 2008, nde Papa Benedict XVI jaɓɓi jaɓugo maako e suɓugo Louis Kébreau bana mo.

Bishop Constant waɗi darnde nder ekkitinol ɓurɓe ɓiyugo yimɓe ɓe ɗon haa jooni haa nokkuuje feere feere nder ummaatoore e nder ummaatooje haiti e nder lesdi.Mawɗo janngude e Petit Seminaire of Mazenod - Camp-Perrin (nde o yahdi nder jaŋde sekondare), o jeyaa e mawɗo jaŋde College Saint-Jean des Cayes, ɗiɗo nder jaŋnde sekondare ɓurɗe mawnude nder leydi ndi. O mari jaŋde bachelor diga Sorbonne to o janngini anndal diina. Arbishop Emeritus gila 2008, caggal nde o waɗi duuɓi 75 e canonical, o laati mo jaɓoowo to Conference Episcopal.

O laati neɗɗo mo ɗon nana, o yiɗi lesdi maako, o yiɗi eklesiya maako, Pope John Paul II boo o mawnini mo (mo suɓɓi mo bishop nder 31 Januwuru 1991), ɓurɗum ngam dokke maako nder habaru.

⁇ Notre cœur saigne encore quand nous voyons se perpétuer dans notre pays ces situations d'insécurité, d'impunité, de corruption, d'exploitation à l'extérieur pour l'argent et le pouvoir, et la mascarade de la justice. ⁇ ⁇ Ɓernde men ɗon ƴiiƴa haa jooni nde en nji'a haalaji ɗi'i ɗi'i ɗon ɓamta, ɓernde mum ɗon ƴiiɓina ndeen ɗon yi'a haalaje, ɓernde maako ɗon ƴiiɓi, ɓernde muuɗum ɗon ƴiiɓa ndeen ɗon ngi'a haala ɗi'i'i'a, ɓernde maɓɓe ɗon ƴiiwta ndeen, ɓernde men ɗon ɓiiɓina wakkati en ɗon yi'i haalaji ɗi ɗi'i, ɓernde ɗe'i'en ɗon ɓiiɓa, ɓernde man ɗon ɓiiɓi ɓiiɓiiɓii ɓiiɓiɓu, ɓiiɓu ɓiiɓuki ngam heɓugo jawdi e laamu, ɓii ɓii ɓuuɓu ɓuuɓiiɓu ɗon ɓii ɓiyugo nder lesdi men. ⁇

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