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ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Sana'ajiphysician Taƴto
Time periodAncient Egypt Taƴto

Irynachet ko cafroowo Misra ɓooyɗo, guurnooɗo e joofnirde Laamu ɓooyngu walla e yontaaji hakkundeeji gadani hedde 2200 ko adii jibineede Iisaa. Irynachet anndaaka tan ko e damal fenaande tawaangal to Giza, huutorteengal kadi ngam suɗaade yanaande shaft (waɗde no. S 2065). Irynachet ina jogii e damal fenaande tiitooɗe keewɗe ɗe keewaani. Ko o cafroowo mawɗo galle mawɗo, cafroowo reedu galle mawɗo, reenoowo ƴiiƴam e cafroowo gite galle mawɗo. Ɗee tiitooɗe ina ceedtoo keeriindi toowndi e safaara gila e Laamu ɓooyngu. Irynachet ina wiyee kadi Iry, ko mbaydi juutndi e innde makko ɓurnde juutde. Innde makko moƴƴere ko Ny-ankh-Pepy.[1]

  1. Khaled Daoud: Necropoles Memphiticae, Inscriptions from the Herakleopoliatn Period, Alexandria 2011, Template:Oclc, pp. 29-31, no. 2.1.3