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Jagua Nana

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Jagua Nana
literary work
TitleJagua Nana, Jagua Nana Taƴto
Form of creative worknovel Taƴto
AuthorCyprian Ekwensi Taƴto
PublisherHeinemann Taƴto
Country of originNiiser Taƴto
Language of work or nameInngilisjo Taƴto
Publication date1961, 1975, 2018 Taƴto
Narrative locationNaajeeriya Taƴto
Page(s)192 Taƴto

Jagua Nana ko deftere winndi e hitaande 1961 nde winndiyanke Naajeeriya biyeteeɗo Cyprian Ekwensi winndi. [1] Deftere nde yaltinaama caggal ɗuum e hitaande 1975 e nder deftere binndol Afriknaaɓe Heinemann, baɗte faayiida.

Deftere nde ina teskaa e luural nder nguurndam golloowo e njulaagu mawɗo, jikku tiitoonde Jagua Nana.[2] The novel is set in the city of Lagos.[3] Deftere nde woni ko e wuro Lagos. Deftere nde ina nanndi e golle Charles Dickens, to bannge ƴeewndo moraal wuro e nguurndam wuro, e ƴeewndo caɗeele renndo ɗe yimɓe hoɗɓe e ɗeen gure njogori dannde. Ɓeen ƴeewooɓe golle ɗee e kitaale 1980 teskiima wonde deftere ndee ina tuugii no feewi e nate rewɓe, ina haɗa nate nguurndam e nder Afrik. Goɗɗo yalti ko nyalnde 26 suwee 2018.

Jagua Nana ko daartol ko fayti e nguurndam e geɗe debbo jom suudu Lagos mawɗo. Jagua, e nder ɗaɓɓaande weltaare, ƴetti gorko mo o ɓuri famɗude, mo o wiyi yo o neldu to Angalteer ngam janngude sariya e kaalis makko, tawa ko e sarɗi, ɓe ngarta e gorko e debbo.

  1. Onyeoziri-Miller, Gloria (2012). "Intertextuality in Contemporary African Literature: Looking Forward (review)". Research in African Literatures. 43 (3): 140–141. doi:10.2979/reseafrilite.43.3.140. ISSN 1527-2044. S2CID 161119914.
  2. Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi (2008-02-02). "Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on the joy of reading the late Nigerian novelist Cyprian Ekwensi". The Guardian. Retrieved 2016-05-04.
  3. Pr. B. Riche and Pr.M. Bensemanne. "CITY LIFE AND WOMEN IN CYPRIAN EKWENSI'S THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND JAGUA NANA" (PDF). Revue Campus (8): 37–47.