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Kaasungu District

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Location of Kasungu District in Malawi
Daande Kaasungu District nder Malawi

Luttugol leydiKasungu is a district in the Central Region of Malawi. The capital is Kasungu. The district covers an area of 7,878 km², borders Zambia and has a population of 842,953.[1] ndin woni

Kasungu laati wuro hooreejo lesdi Malawi arande, Doktar Hastings Kamuzu Banda.

Ha wakkati limgal yimɓe 2018 nder Malawi, jaɓɓorgal yimɓe nder diiwaan Kasungu e nder yimɓe ɓeen e ko wayi no:[2]

  • 78.1% Chewa
  • 15,8% Tumbuka
  • 1.9% Ngoni
  • 1,8% Yao
  • 1,6% Lomwe
  • 0.2% Tonga
  • 0.1% Mang'anja
  • 0.1% Sena
  • 0.1% Nkhonde
  • 0.1% Lambya
  • 0.1% Nyanja
  • 0.0% Sukwa
  • 0.1% Goɗɗe

Kasungu ɗon jeyaa e lenyol goɗɗi amma ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon waɗa jam, misaalu ngam ummaatoore jeyaaji goɗɗi.

Jaɓɓorgo Dowlaaji e jaɓɓorgo

[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]

Won go'oje leydi leydi e Kasungu:

  • Kasungu - Central
  • Kasungu - Fuɗnaange
  • Kasungu - Kaŋde
  • Kasungu - Kaŋgo fuunaaŋge
  • Kasungu - Kaŋgo-Nafto-Hafto
  • Kasungu - Kaŋgal hirnaange
  • Kasungu - Fuuta
  • Kasungu - Naafto-Hande
  • Kasungu - Wuro

Ɗo'o'o woni Yimɓe Fedde Ɓamtaare foroy, diga lewru August 2024.

  • Kasungu Central - Ken Kandodo (Democratic Progressive Party)
  • Kasungu fuunaaŋge - Aubrey Kachale (Kongres Mali)
  • Kasungu Kaŋde - Madison Kambalame (Democratic Progressive Party)
  • Kasungu North East - Alexander Kanyama (Kongres Mali)
  • Kasungu North-North East - Gibson Thindwa (Kongres Mali)
  • Kasungu North West - Jolly Kalilani (Democratic Progressive Party)
  • Kasungu South - Dan Banda (Kongres Mali)
  • Kasungu South East - Chikondi Chibuye (Congress Party Malawi)
  • Kasungu West - Jillian Sande (Democratic Progressive Party)

Kasungu District ina famɗi ngam darnde Kammuzu Academy, janngirde aranndeere aranndeere duniyaaru je ɗon haadee e dabareeji 42 diga Kasungu Central Business District. Jaŋde nde anndiraa ngam ko'e maɓɓe mari ɗemngal janngirde e waɗi mawɓe ardiiɓe e mawɓe mawɓe Malawi.

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  1. "2018 Population and Housing Census Main Report" (PDF). Malawi National Statistical Office. Retrieved 25 December 2019.
  2. 2018 Malawi Population and Housing Census Main Report