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Ko Fuuɗde (Tooɗnde)

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Brink of Disaster" ko feccere e Thunderbirds, ko yeewtere teleeji Biritaannaaɓe nde Gerry e Sylvia Anderson mbaɗi, nde sosiyetee maɓɓe peewnoowo filmuuji AP (caggal ɗuum Century 21 Productions) filmi ngam ITC Entertainment fuɗɗii yaltude ko ñalnde 24 feebariyee 1966 e ATV Midlands ko yeewtere 22ɓiire e Series One Ko yeewtere 11ɓiire e nder doggol laawɗungol.[1]

Toɗɗaaɗo e kitaale 2060, Thunderbirds ina rewi e golle International Rescue, fedde sirlu huutortoonde otooji hisnude karallaagal ngam hisnude nguurndam aadee. Ardiiɓe ɓee ko Jeff Tracy, gonnooɗo astronaut, sosɗo International Rescue, e ɓiɓɓe mum njoyo mawɓe, ardiiɓe otooji gadani fedde ndee : masiŋaaji Thunderbird. E nder "Brink of Disaster", jom ngalu gooto ina yahra e njuuteendi bonanndeeji ngam wallitde eɓɓaande mum cakkitiinde ndee : monorail otomaatik kisal naamnitiiɗo. Nde wondiiɓe makko naati e galle Creighton-Ward ngam wujjude kaɓirɗe Lady Penelope, jom ngalu oo ina ƴetta Jeff, Brains e Tin-Tin e nder oto gooto ngam heɓde kaalis e juuɗe Jeff. So tawii elikopteer yanii e feccere e ponto, ustii signaale otooji monorail, ŋakkeende fail-safes ina addana oto oo yahde e yaawre feewde e ŋoral, tawa alaa ɗo haaɗi.

E hitaande 1967, Century 21 yaltinii jimɗi "Brink of Disaster" e nder EP (limre catal MA 124) ɗi David Graham, fijoowo daande, haali ɗum, hono Parker.[1] E hitaande 1992, defte sukaaɓe Corgi yaltini deftere nde Dave Morris winndi. E hitaande ndee tan, deftere nde Fennell waɗi e defte binndaaɗe, yaltinaa e deftere Fleetway Publications, wiyeteende Thunderbirds: The Comic.[1] Episode oo waɗii jaaynde mum adannde e nder leydi Angalteer ñalnde 13 mars 1992 e BBC2.[1]

Jaɓɓorgo Amerik Warren Grafton wari haa Creighton-Ward Mansion ngam yahugo Lady Penelope bana jaɓɓorgo jaɓɓorgal nder kuugal mum keso: laawol ɓamgal kalluɗum Pacific Atlantic. Kawtal ngal ɗon ɓeyda wakkati Penelope, ɗon ɗon hoola wuro nder FAB 1, ɗon haani bee ɓaleeɓe ɗiɗo ɗon ɗon tokki mo - arandeeji ɗon ɗon ɗon haɓɓugo ɓaleeɓe gariiri maako bee ɓaleeje naftoraaki, nden ɗon ɗon naftora bee masinji ngam huutugo gariiri ɓaleeɓe diga laawol.

Grafton huutori ɓaawo Penelope ngam heɓugo ɓandu ɓandu ɓernde maako e ɓoygo masin ngam ɓoygo ɓoygo nder suudu. Parker anndi mooftaaki Grafton bana Harry Malloy, mooftaako. Nde o hawti e Grafton, Penelope jaɓaayi heɓugo nder nder nder nder laawol monorail nden o wi'i Grafton to bandiraawo maako mawɗo jaaynde e jaajinoowo mum sirru Jeff Tracy. Ko grafton hawti e laamu United States ngam kujeji jammu ɗi ɓe mbaɗata, Jeff jaɓaani jaɓɓugo nder nder laawol monorail ngam o waɗa anniya dow kujeji, e nder nder nder nder brains e Tin-Tin bana tawonji tekniki.

Ɓay ɓe anndaa Penelope e Jeff, Grafton woni hooreejo bandiraaku. Nder kawtal e hawɓe mum, Grafton holli dow laabi maako ngam haɓɓugo ceede nder monorail: Malloy e bandiraawo maɓɓe Selsden ɓe ɓilla nder wuro Penelope ngam ɓe njaɓa kuɓol limce ɗe ɓe mari miliyaaruuji kilooji.

Nyannde caggal, Grafton e ardiiɓe mum njahi nder gariiri monotrain. Jeff ɗon hawtaaki e no jaɓuɗo maako ɗon mari hakkiilo, ɓurna fuu to o nani bana ɓe walaa yimɓe nder gariiri, laawol mayre tan hawtaaki bee masin woni helicji. Hakkiilo Jeff ɗon tabbitina bana ko haani to go'oto nder helijits'en yahugo bee lambi, ngam o waɗa mo ɗon ɗon jaɓɓa ngam o maɓɓugo yeeso o maɓɓata dow cukalel. Luttugol ngol halki laawol e halki signalji masin nder nder nder nder laawol. Walaa ko'e jannde dow dow ngam halki gariiri, ngam maajum Brains e Tin-Tin foondiri ɓaawo ɓaawo ɓamɗe ngam wayloode ɓamɗe. Nder wakkati maajum, Jeff ɗon haɓɓo International Rescue ngam wallugo, o ɗon hakkilana ngam o waɗa ɓiyum maako ko innde ngam o waɗa ɗum boɗɗum. Scott e Virgil ɗon ƴeewa nder <i id="mwTQ">Thunderbirds 1<span typeof="mw:Entity" id="mwTg"> </span></i> e <i id="mwUA">2</i><span typeof="mw:Entity" id="mwTw"> </span>.

Wondirde ɗon huutore nden gariiri ɗon ɗon halki dow laami, ko fotde fotde haa laawol. Thunderbirds ɗon wara. Nde cukalel ngal ɓeydaaki nder ɓernde gariiri ndin, Scott noddi yimɓe ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon nder gariiri ndin nder caka, ɗi Virgil ɗon ƴetti bee ndiyam bee huutore Thunderbird 2 . Mburdi ɗon maaki, ɗon maaki gariiri ndin. Jeff ɗon sirkana Grafton o ɗon hawta e jungo nder suudu ceerno ngam mo ɗon moofta.

Nder Ingiltere, Malloy e Selsden ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon hoola haa caka jemma ɓe ɗon ɗon ɗon fuɗɗina haɓɓugo wuro, ɓe ɗon hoola nder nder nder nder gariiri ngam ɓe ɗon maaki nder gariiri Grafton. Ammaa ɓe anndaa ko ko'e maɓɓe, ko'e ɓe ɗon haani ngam ɓe ɗon umma Penelope e Parker. Parker ɗon huutoroo e maccuɗo, o ɗon yahda to jaango, o ɗon wurtina ɓaleere dow masin masin masin ngam hisina ɓe. Malloy e Selsden ɗaɓɓiti wurtaago nder FAB 1, ammaa Penelope ɗon haɓɓita ko ɗon kolla dow dow dow dow, ngam ɓe ɗon hoola nder nder nder nder.  Malloy e Selsden e ɓe ɗon hawta e ɓe ɗon jeyi bee Grafton e yimɓe fuɗɗi.

Ɗuumɓe ɓaleeɓe

[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]
  • Sylvia Anderson nder laamɗo PenelopeLady Penelope
  • Peter Dyneley nder Jeff Tracy
  • Christine Finn nder Tin-Tin Kyrano
  • David Graham nder ɓernde e Parker
  • David Holliday nder Virgil Tracy
  • Shane Rimmer be Scott Tracy

"Brink of Disaster" ko 11th episode nder nder nder nder sahaa fuɗnaande e nder nder nder ITC, "Brink Of Disaster" wonde go'o nder sahaaji fuɗnaange ɗi ɓeydani diga 25 haa 50 minut caggal Lew Grade - jeyɗo APF, mo yi'i nde nde ɓeydi e 25 minutirki nder sahaa arande, "Trapped in the Sky" - waɗi suɓugo sahaa fuɗaande ngam sahaa fuɗɗii sahaa fuɗɗaade.[1] Nder haala "Brink of Disaster", haala nden fuɗnaama e ɓesngu ɓesngu dow Grafton ngam o laato hooreejo gaɗoowo hakkeeji, e ɓesnga nder Malloy e Selsden nder ɓoyma Creighton-Ward Mansion.[2]

Marcus Hearn holli wonde, hawti e ko'e ɗiɗi ɗi ɗi'i ɗi'i (laawɗum monorail e ɓoyma wuro) "ɗi hawti e" ngam ɓe mbaawaa jaɓugo goonga. Ammaa o holli, ko ɗiɗo fuu ɗi mbaawata jaɓugo ko'e maɓɓe, o ɓeydi wi'ugo dow kuuje ɗe "ndokka en anndal dow Thunderbirds waawaa waawde waawde ɓawde ɓaawo ɗum wurtina ɗum". [2] O hawri FAB 1's gadgets to ɗe ɗe dow Aston Martin DB5 nder fim James Bond's Goldfinger e Thunderball.[3]

  1. Hearn 2015, p. 127.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hearn 2015, p. 105.
  3. Hearn 2015, p. 111.