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Kooluntou (French:Rivière Koulountou)ko maayo nder Senegal e Guinea Ɗum woni ko'e ndiyam ndiyam nder maayo Gambia.[1]

Fedde maayo ɗon woni fuɗɗam fuɗɗam Fouta Djallon nder lesdi Guinea.Nder ɓurna fuɗɗam mum, maayo ɗon ɗon ɗon ƴiwo nder worgo Senegal.

Lillaaji dow maayo hawti e Nadjaf Al Ashraf nder Vélingara Department,Senegal.

  1. [[[:Template:Geonameslink]] Koulountou] at [[[:Template:Geonamesabout]] Geonames.org (cc-by)]; post updated 2012-01-17; database downloaded on 2017-01-07