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Kawtal Leyɗeele Winndere Keɓɓal Kuuɓtinngal Ganni tawa ko e enteernet ko Eɓɓaande yowetiinde e ballal maŋngal e sirlu. Anniiya o ko weeɓnude keɓal ɗereeji ummiiɗi e faawru ganni ndu.

Fandaare nde ko yuɓɓinde 30 miliyoŋ ɗereyol toŋnguɗi ganni Kawtal Leyɗeele.[1][2]

Faawru Ganni

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Faawru ndu sosa ko gila Kawtal ngal jibinaa.Gila 1919 ha hitaande 1946 golle Kawtal Leyɗeele Winndere nde ina toŋngi e ko moofti e nder faawru ganni ndu.[3]

Njuɓɓudi Golle

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Ganni Kawtal Leydeele Winndere Pelle tati tambi golle ɗee. Fedde yuɓɓinoore kayitaaji itta ko jeyaako heen fof. Fedde wattoore ɗereeji ɗi e nder ordinateer.Fedde facciroore ko jibinaa e oridnateer.[4]

Faandaare mawnde golle ɗee ko weeɓnude keɓal ganni Kawtal Leyɗeele Winndere nde tawo a seertaani e ordinateer ma e enteernet.[5]

Hol Do Tuugna

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  1. https://www.archimag.com/archives-patrimoine/2019/07/29/archives-soci%C3%A9t%C3%A9-nations-accessibles-biblioth%C3%A8que-num%C3%A9rique
  2. https://www.rts.ch/play/tv/12h45/video/numerisation-de-la-societe-des-nations-des-dizaines-de-milliers-de-documents-sont-scannes-?id=10452401
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20200520152315/https://lontad-project.unog.ch/
  4. https://web.archive.org/web/20200520152315/https://lontad-project.unog.ch/
  5. https://web.archive.org/web/20200520152315/https://lontad-project.unog.ch/