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Lakuum Likoma

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Location of Likoma District in Malawi
Daande Limgal Likoma nder Malawi

Likoma District is the smallest in size and the least populous district of Malawi, which consists of two separate exclaves of Malawi situated within Mozambican waters in Lake Malawi (also known in Tanzania as Lake Nyasa and in surrounding Mozambique as Lago Niassa). It consists of two main islands, Likoma and Chizumulu. It is a district in the Northern Region of Malawi. The capital is Likoma. The district covers an area of 20 km², and has a population of 14,527.[1][2]

Nde missionaries Portuguese'en laami nder nder Angola e Mozambique nder karnijum 19, missionaries Anglican'en laamii Malawi, hawti e nder saare nder Laku Malawi.

Nder 1954, ɓe waɗi haaki ngam waɗugo caka maayo Malawi haadi hakkunde Malawi e Mozambique; amma, Liqoma e Chizumulu ɗon haalde nder leydi Malawi.

Ha wakkati limgal yimɓe Malawi 2018, limgal yimɓe nder diiwaan Likoma e nder yimɓe ɓeen e ko wayi no:[2]

  • 73.8% Nyanja
  • 9,2% Chewa
  • 9,1% Tonga
  • 3,1% Tumbuka
  • 1,4% Yao
  • 1.2% Ngoni
  • 1.1% Lomwe
  • 0.4% Nkhonde
  • 0.2% Mang'anja
  • 0.1% Sena
  • 0.1% Lambya
  • 0.0% Sukwa
  • 0.3% Woɓɓe

Yimɓe Likoma ɓuri ɗuuɗugo ɓe jeyaaɓe e ɗemngal Nkamanga. Won ɓurɓe wonde wurooji mawɗi e nder nder nder nder leyɗe ɗiɗi fuu, to Mbamba bee suudu mawndu Anglican. Won karuuji seɗɗa, ammaa ɗuuɗal karuuji nayi, ko waɗi ko hawti e turism e aada nokkuure.

Distrik ɗo hawti e nokkuure 2 km2 e woodi yimɓe 14,527 ha nder limngal yimɓe 2018.  Yimɓe ɗuuɗal yimɓe ko hoo'i 726 neɗɗo e km2. Ɗum woni ɓurɗo ɓurɓe ɓaduki nder Malawi. Won go'o dow suudu ndun, dow saare mawɗo.

Ɗuum woni laabi dow satelite dow nokkuure Likoma.

Mawɗe wuro

[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]
  • Likoma
  • Mbamba
  • Chiguluwindi
  • Chinyanya
  • Chiponder
  • Lataare Batman
  • Chipyela

Won go'o nder leydi leydi ɗo ɓe ndokka ko Liikoma Islands:

  • Lillaaji Likoma

Gila suɓaaji 2009 ɗum waɗii e O. A. Thundu wonde Democratic Progressive Party.

Fedde nde nde wonnoo nde wonnoo ko e nder yimɓe 12 ɓe njiɗiima wonde ardiiɓe hooreejo leydi e nder nder nder nder jaɓɓaade 2014 nde yimɓe leydi ndii njaɓaani ɗum ngam ɓe ɓeydaani.

Fuu nder saare ɗon haaje, nden leɗɗe ɗe ɗon mari semmbe ɗon booje bee leɗɗe baobab e leɗɗe mango. Dentugol dabbaaji ɗon hawta e lambi'en, colli, e go'o nder nguurndam ndiyam ɓurɗum feere-feere nder Malawi.

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  1. 2018 Malawi Population and Housing Census Main Report
  2. 2.0 2.1 2018 Malawi Population and Housing Census Main Report