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Lengwe National Park

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Lengwe Malawi national park ko park national nder Malawi ɗo haani gariiri Chikwawa e dow mil 40 haa sahaa worgo hirnaange Blantyre. Lengwe'en topografiya ɗon tawaa nder Malawi, e woodi je'e nder je'e e je'e. Ɗum woni wuro antelope Nyala.

The climate of Lengwe is hot and dry, and the only source of consistent water is from the rain. Many man-made water holes have been constructed to attract and maintain the animal population. Jambo Africa Ltd operates Nyala Lodge for visitors.

Dentuɓe ɗon jooɗoto nder nder nder suudu ndu woni giraffe, hyena, leopard, warthog, kudu, impala, Samango monkey, reedbuck, Cape buffalo e suni. Luttuji ɓurɗi ɓernde, ɓurɗe ɓurnugo, ɓurnugo bee, e ɓurnugo be'e.

Taariiha Ha hitaande 1928, Lengwe haɓɓii bana nokkuure je'e ngam hakkilana dabbaaji mawɗi ɗi ɗon haɓa nder Lower Shire Valley, ɓurna fuu nyala antelope e nokkuure nde o jooɗi. Ɗuum hakkille ko nafata ngam Low Shire Valley woni ko ɓurɗe heewde haa woyla to nyala waawi heɓugo nder laabi.Wakkati maajum, nokkuure nde ɗum ɗo ɗo ɗo ɗo ɗum ɗo ɗo nder lesdi fuu, ko kiloomitaare 520. Ɓaawo, ɗum ɓeydi haa km2 120 ngam hokkude leydi ngam limce. Ɗuum 12 km2 woni ko jooni ɗum nodda "Old Lengwe". Ɗuum hawti e ndiyam nder hitaande fuu to dabbaaji ɗi Shire hokki, 964 e 1970, ndiyamji goɗɗe nayi je ɓe nyiɓi nder nokkuure fuu, e nder 1970, Lengwe hokki darnde park leydi.

Nder hitaande 1975, nokkuure ɓeydiinde nden ɓeydani, ɓeydani mawnugo haa 887 km2. Lengwe ɓeydi ɓeydi ngam hakkilugo nokkuuje ndiyamji ɗi kooki Shire, Mwanza, e Nkombedzi wa Fodya. Ɓeydaaki ngal ɗon mari hujjaji ngam hakkilanaago ɓesngu cembiɗɗi nder nokkuure nden e ɓeydaago nokkuure haɓɓugo foroy.

Park ngal ɗon jaɓɓa diga jaɓde National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW.