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Lesley Regan

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Dame Lesley Regan DBE (jibinaa ko ñalnde 8 marse 1956)[1] ko doktoor rewɓe to Angalteer, ko jannginoowo to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Londres, ko o jiiloowo teddungal to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde NHS Trust to opitaal St Mary.
Lesley Regan
ɓii aadama
Jinsudebbum Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuBiritaani-Mawndi Taƴto
InndeLesley Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo8 Mbooy 1956 Taƴto
WoldeInngilisjo Taƴto
Sana'ajigynecologist, obstetrician Taƴto
EmployerImperial College London Taƴto
Janngi toUCL Medical School Taƴto
Award receivedDame Commander of the Order of the British Empire, Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Taƴto

Dame Lesley Regan DBE (jibinaa ko ñalnde 8 marse 1956)[1] ko doktoor rewɓe to Angalteer, ko jannginoowo to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Londres, ko o jiiloowo teddungal to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde NHS Trust to opitaal St Mary. Ko kanko woni hooreejo Duɗal Jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Royal College of Obstetricians e Gynecologists tuggi 2016 haa 2019 – ko kanko tan woni debbo ɗiɗaɓo meeɗnooɗo jogaade ndeeɗoo darnde, kadi ko kanko woni gadano e nder duuɓi capanɗe jeegom e nay..

E hitaande 2020, o wonti hooreejo Wellitaare rewɓe.[2] E hitaande 2022, Dame Lesley toɗɗaama yo won ammbasadeer cellal rewɓe gadano e nder leydi Angalteer.


Professor Regan is the first woman to hold a chair on obstetrics and gynaecology in the country and for the past decade she has worked to establish the biggest miscarriage clinic in the world.

Education and training

[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]

Lesley Regan graduated from the Royal Free Hospital, London in 1980, before becoming a registrar in obstetrics and gynaecology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. She was awarded an MD thesis after a secondment to the Medical Research Council’s Embryo and Gamete Research Group. While at Addenbrooke's Regan was also a teaching fellow and Director of Studies in Medicine at Girton College, Cambridge.[3]

Porofesoor Regan woni debbo gadano jogaade jappeere ko faati e jibinannde e jibinannde e nder leydi ndi e nder duuɓi sappo jawtuɗi ɗii o golliima ngam sosde nokku ɓurɗo mawnude e winndere nde ngam ƴellitde jibinannde.

Jaŋde e heblo Lesley Regan heɓi bak mum to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Royal Free, to Londres e hitaande 1980, hade mum wontude binnditiiɗo to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Addenbrooke’s, to Cambridge. O rokkaama seedantaagal MD caggal nde o arti e fedde wiɗtooji safaara e nder fedde wiɗtooji embryo e gamete. Nde o woni to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Addenbrooke, Regan wonnoo kadi ko jannginoowo e gardiiɗo jaŋde safaara to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Girton, to Cambridge.[4]

Kugal Caggal nde o heɓi MD makko Regan ummii Cambridge fayti London ngam wontude jiiloowo e jannginoowo mawɗo to bannge jibinannde e rewɓe to opitaal St Mary’s, ɗo o woni jooni hooreejo.[5] O jeyaa ko e rewɓe adanɓe jogaade jappeere to bannge jibinannde e jibinannde e nder leydi Angalteer, [citation needed] gadano oo ko Margaret Fairlie (1891–1963) toɗɗaaɗo porfeseer jibinannde e jibinannde to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Dundee e hitaande 1940.[ 5]

Regan suɓaama hooreejo duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde laamɗowal e hitaande 2016, debbo ɗiɗaɓo e gadano e nder duuɓi 64 jogaade ndeeɗoo jappeere.[6] E nder konngol makko gadanol to hooreejo leydi, o yeewtidii e nafoore nguurndam celluɗam ngam reedu kisal, e caɗeele ŋakkere teddeendi.[7]

O wonii kadi gardiiɗo UK’s Baby Bio Bank (BBB), defterdu tissue reedu ndu faandaare mum ko wallitde wiɗtooji firooji garooji ɗii e caɗeele mawɗe reedu.[8] Banke Baby Bio sosaa ko ñalnde 1 noowammbar 2013, ko duɗe jaaɓi-haaɗtirde ɗiɗi Londres, Duɗal jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Londres e Duɗal jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Imperial Londres, tawi ko Wellbeing of Women rokki ɗum kaalis. Ɓe moofta ko seedanteeje e nder terɗe tati teeŋtuɗe e nder galle hee : yumma, baaba e ɓiɗɗo, ina addana geɗe ndonaandi ummoraade e jibnaaɓe ɗiɗo ɓee fof rewindaade. Ɓe ɗaɓɓi ko ƴiiƴam yumma e baaba e feccere helmere placenta nde ɓe mberlata ko juuti. [9]

E lewru mars 2007, Regan yalti e nder suudu ɓamtaare Prof Regan to BBC.[10]

Binndanɗe Regan winndi defte ɗuuɗɗe dow reedu e ɓingel ngel hawti e reedu maa yontere e yontere. Deftere makko, Miscarriage: Ko debbo kala foti anndude winndaande e hitaande 2018, ina yuurnitoo no gooto e reedu nayi joofnirta e miscarriage.[11] Her book, Miscarriage: What Every Woman Needs to Know written in 2018, explores how one in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage.<ref>

Ko o hooreejo RCOG, porfeseer Regan yaltinii ciimtol The Better for Women, o waɗii heen wasiyaaji keewɗi ko fayti e no moƴƴinirtee cellal rewɓe e sukaaɓe rewɓe e nder leydi Angalteer, o fuɗɗii e nder suudu sarɗiiji.


As RCOG President, Professor Regan published The Better for Women report, making a series of recommendations on how to improve the health of women and girls in the UK, launched in The House of Commons.<ref>

Teddungal Regan toɗɗaama Dame Commandant mo Order de l'Empire Biritaan (DBE) e nder teddungal hitaande hesere 2020 ngam golle makko e cellal rewɓe.


Regan was appointed Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in the 2020 New Year Honours for services to women's healthcare.[12]

E hitaande 2021, Regan heɓi njeenaari 2021 ndi Natasha Kaplinsky rokki ndi.[14]

Laawol makko gollondiral e cellal rewɓe addani mo heɓde Fellowships Honorary Fellowships e nder fannuuji jeeɗiɗi to leydi Angalteer e duɗe jaaɓi-haaɗtirde keewɗe to bannge Obstetrics & Gynaecology.[13]

Neɗɗo e ɓesngu Regan ina hoɗi to Londres, ko yumma sukaaɓe rewɓe ɗiɗo jibinaaɓe e hitaande 1992 e dewgal makko e porfeseer John Summerfield, ganndo ko faati e heeñere to St Mary's, e hitaande 1990, ko noon o wontiri yumma-gooto ɓiɓɓe ɗiɗo worɓe e ɓiɓɓe rewɓe ɗiɗo[14]

Ƴeew kadi Doggol gollotooɓe tedduɓe to opitaal laamɗo Edward VII ngam ofiseeji Tuugnorgal

"Regan, jannginoowo debbo Lesley". Mo woni Mo. Vol. 2021 (eɓɓoore e internet). A & C Ɓaleejo. (Abonnement walla jeyeede e defterdu renndo UK ina ɗaɓɓiree.)
"Porfesoor Dame Lesley Regan wonti hooreejo keso". Wellitaare Rewɓe. Keɓtinaama ñalnde 28 noowammbar 2020.
"Dame Lesley Regan toɗɗaama jooɗaniiɗo cellal rewɓe". Departemaa cellal e toppitagol renndo. 17 lewru Juko 2022. Ƴeewtaa ko 19 Oktoobar 2022.
Karter, Salli (7 ut 2013). "BMJ Careers - Wallude rewɓe wallude koye mum en". BMJ. 347: f4810. Doi:10.1136/bmj.f4810. Keɓtinaama ñalnde 2 lewru Mbooy 2018.
"Maws e Bairns: Cellal yumma e suka e nder Tayside: Jaambaarooji nokkuuji". Suudu siga kujeji ɓoyma. Duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Dundee. Ƴeewtaa ko ñalnde 2 feebariyee 2014.
Innde mum (21 mee 2016). "Haala RCOG: Porofesoor Lesley Regan suɓaama hooreejo RCOG". Koolaaɗo kuuɓal laamɗo oo, ko faati e jibinannde e rewɓe. Koolaaɗo kuuɓal laamɗo oo, ko faati e jibinannde e rewɓe. Ƴeewtaa ko ñalnde 8 Duujal 2016.
Boseley, Sarah (6 desaambar 2016). "Lesley Regan: 'Miɗo jogii darnde ngam haalande rewɓe reeduɓe goonga'". Gardiiɗo oo. Ƴeewtaa ko ñalnde 8 Duujal 2016.
"Lesley Regan | Koolol jibinannde". www.jibinannde.co.uk. Retr
  1. Template:Who's Who
  2. "Professor Dame Lesley Regan becomes new Chair". Wellbeing Of Women (in Engeleere). Retrieved 28 November 2020.
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named who2
  4. Carter, Sally (7 August 2013). "BMJ Careers - Helping women help themselves". BMJ (in Engeleere). 347: f4810. doi:10.1136/bmj.f4810. Retrieved 2018-05-02.
  5. "Maws & Bairns: Maternal & Child Health in Tayside: Local Heroes". Museum. University of Dundee. Retrieved 2 February 2014.
  6. Anonymous (21 May 2016). "RCOG statement: Professor Lesley Regan has been elected President of the RCOG". Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Retrieved 8 December 2016.
  7. Boseley, Sarah (6 December 2016). "Lesley Regan: 'I have a responsibility to tell pregnant women the truth'". The Guardian. Retrieved 8 December 2016.
  8. "Lesley Regan | The Fertility Show". www.fertilityshow.co.uk (in Engeleere). Retrieved 2018-05-02.
  9. "Baby Biobank". www.ucl.ac.uk (in Engeleere). Retrieved 2018-05-02.
  10. Anonymous. "Horizon – Prof Regan's Beauty Parlour". www.bbc.co.uk. British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 8 December 2016.
  11. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Guardian20162
  12. Template:London Gazette
  13. "Elton John and Rochelle Humes are among the winners of Hello!'s Inspiration Awards 2021". Hello. Retrieved 10 January 2023.
  14. "Prof Lesley Regan".