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Lodo Mano

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Fuule Mano woni maayo nder hirnaange Afrik. O fuɗɗii nder lesdi Gine nder lesdi Liberia, o jeyaa nder lesdi Liberia e lesdi Sierra Leone.

Diiwanuuji ɗi maayo ngoo rewata ɗii ko nokku biyeteeɗo Parrot’s Beak to Gine, diiwaan Lofa to Liberiyaa e diiwaan Kono e Kailahun to Siyeraa Leyoon. Jaɓɓugol diamant ko gollordu mawndu e ɗeen nokkuuje. Jogaade ngalu nokku oo e ŋakkeende kisal laamuuji ngenndiiji leyɗeele tati ɗee kala, addani ɗum en waɗde hareeji bonɗi e nder ɗeen diiwanuuji e kitaale 1990 (Ƴeew wolde hakkunde leyɗeele Siyeraa Leyoon, wolde hakkunde leyɗeele Liberiya gadane, wolde hakkunde leyɗeele Liberiya ɗiɗmere).

Liberia e Sierra Leone tawtori dawrugol maayo Mano nder hitaande 1973. Guinea hawti e hitaande 1980. Ɗum fuɗɗii ɓamtude nder hitaande 2004 bana goomu kalfinaaɗo e jawdi; Côte d'Ivoire ɓaditi nder hitaande 2008.

6°55′15′′N 11°30′21′′W / 6.92083°N 11.50583°W / 6. 92083; -11.50583References

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