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Mary Wambui

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Mary Wambui
ɓii aadama
Jinsudebbum Taƴto
InndeMary Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguWambui Taƴto
FatherCharles Njonjo Taƴto
Sana'ajibusinessperson, ngaɗoowo siyaasaje Taƴto
Position heldMember of the National Assembly Taƴto
Member of political partyThe National Alliance Taƴto


Mary Wambui woni debbo jaaynoowo Kenya.

Mary Wambui Mungai jibinaa ha 12 Desemba 1965, o ɓadi diga ummugo nder gariiri goɗɗi gonɗum Gachika, Gatundu South, Kiambu County.

Hannde, Ms. Mungai woni hooreejo jaayɗe mawɓe jaaynde mawɓe jaayɗe Kenya (CA) ngam ɓe ndokkaama to kuugal ngol e 2 Desemba 2022.

Ko adii nde o toɗɗaa, o woniino tergal yiilirde e nder juɓɓule keewɗe, ina jeyaa heen Hospitaal ngenndiijo Kenyatta (KNH) fotde duuɓi jeeɗiɗi (7), ɗo o woni hooreejo Goomu kaalis e denndaangal paandaale, e hooreejo Goomu peeje e gollorɗe.

O ɗon mari anndal ɗuuɗal, o ɗon waɗi duuɓi 30 nder kuugal mawɗo, jaayɗe e ardiiɓe. Ms. Mungai woni ardiiɗo mo'o e mo'o haandi e mo'on haandi e haandi haandi ha haandi ha'u haandi haande haandi, haandi haandu, haandi e huutore, haandi be haandi, e haandi.

O mari e mo ɗon jaɓɓa feere feere feere feere nder miliyonji, haandi ɓurna nder weltaare e jaŋde, bee yimɓe 500 ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon huwooɓe e yimɓe 1,000 ɗon ɗon huwoɓe.