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Melanoidins ko polimeruuji heterogeneeji daneeji, toowɗi, ɗi peeñata so suukara e asideeji amino kawrii (rewrude e mbaydi Maillard) e nguleeki toowki e golle ndiyam tokoose.[1] Ko Schmiedeberg yiyti ɗe e hitaande 1897. Melanoidin ina heewi taweede e nguuraaji baɗɗi won e mbaadiiji ɓuuɓɗi ɗi ngalaa enzim, ko wayi no malte (Vienne e Munich), ɓuuɓri mburu, geɗe mburu e kafe. Eɗe tawee kadi e ndiyam ɓuuɓɗam e nder laylayti renndo, ina ɗaɓɓi safrude ngam haɗde mborosaaji saraaji yaltugol ɗeen laylayti.

Melanoidin en ñaamdu e koye mum en ina mbaɗa batte keewɗe e nder ɓanndu : ina usta golle enzim heeñere Faas I, ina ɓeyda glycation in vivo, ko ɗum waawi addande jabet, ustude ɗooftaare ƴiiƴam e ñawu Alzheimer. Won e melanoidin ina mbaylee e mikroo-flora ɓalndu.[2]

Kafe ina jeyaa e ko ɓuri teeŋtude e ɓuuɓri melanoidin e nder ñaamdu aadee,[3] kono tan ñaamde kafe ina jokkondiri e won e nafooje cellal e golle antiglycative.[3] yet coffee consumption is associated with some health benefits and antiglycative action.[3]

  1. Wang, He-Ya; Qian, He; Yao, Wei-Rong (2011). "Melanoidins produced by the Maillard reaction: Structure and biological activity". Food Chemistry. 128 (3): 573–584. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.03.075.
  2. Somoza, V. (2005). "Five years of research on health risks and benefits of Maillard reaction products: An update". Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 49 (7): 663–72. doi:10.1002/mnfr.200500034. PMID 15926141.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Moreira, Ana S. P.; Nunes, Fernando M.; Domingues, M. Rosário; Coimbra, Manuel A. (2012). "Coffee melanoidins: structures, mechanisms of formation and potential health impacts". Food & Function. 3 (9): 903–915. doi:10.1039/c2fo30048f. PMID 22584883.