Meryptah ko Limanjo mawɗo Amun e jamaanu Amenhotep III.
O anndiraa diga sariyaaji dow Meryptah bee Anen, Amenemhat e Si-Mut ɓe laati annabi ɗiɗaɓo, tataɓo e nayaɓo. Aldred ɗon anndina Meryptah ɓaawo Ptahmose e ɗon ɗowtana haa sakkinki laamu Amenhotep III. Meryptah na'i ɗon huuwi diga c. nder hitaande 20 nder laamu Amenhotep haa haŋki laamu nden.
Meryptah hokki mo yaawde nder Thebes (Qurna). Woɓɓe kuuje ɓaawo ɓernde ɓe keɓti nder boobo nder fuɗɗam karnijum 19. Ɗuum ko:
- Fuude Meryptah ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon werna Ra[1]
- Oriental Institute nder Chicago ɗon woodi sari'a Meryptah[2]
- Metropolitan Museum ina jogii koode tati ɗe laamɓe mbaɗi e nder laamɓe ngam annabi arandeejo Amun Meryptah [3]
- kohl boondi kool boondi (statuette), debbo e ɓoggi ɓalli ɓalli, ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon naŋga pot ɓurɗo mawnugo: Durham Servant Girl. [4]
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]- ↑ Cyril Aldred, "Two Theban Notables during the Later Reign of Amenhotep III", Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 1959
- ↑ Topographical Bibliography etc.
- ↑ C. W. Hayes, The Scepter of Egypt II, pg. 306
- ↑ Reeves, Nicholas, 2000, Ancient Egypt, The Great Discoveries, a Year-by-Year Chronicle, 1816-1818, p. 19.