Mila D. Aguilar

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Bana mawɗo, o winndi ko 400 poemji e Farayse, Filipines, e Ilonggo, ko 125 nder maɓɓe nder Journey: An Autobiography in Verse (1964-1995), ko ɗum wurtini e University of the Philippines Press e hitaande 1996. Ko'e poems nder nder nder nder deftere nde'e ɗon nder defte joweego nder Manila, San Francisco, e New York City hakkunde duuɓi 1974 e 1987 (ha nder maɓɓe A Comrade is as Precious as a Rice Seedling), bana boo nder defte ɗe o winndi haa duuɓi ɓaawo ɗon haa e 1995. Chronicle of a Life Foretold: 101 Poems (1995-2005) wondi nder hitaande 2012 e nder Popular Bookstore, e nder goɗɗe goɗɗe ɗiɗi poemry as Prophecy (2005-2013), e deftere nde walaa ko wi'etee, ɗe ɗon haaje