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ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuAncient Egypt Taƴto
Sana'ajiHigh Priests of Amun Taƴto
Position heldHigh Priests of Amun Taƴto
Time periodAncient Egypt Taƴto

Minmontu (mn.w-mnṯ.w) ko Limanjo mawɗo Amun gila e jamaanu Ahmose I (Laamu 18ɓiire).

Minmontu anndiraa diga koode saawre (UC37666) diga Thebes, jooni e University College London.[1]

Sukarbu ɓernde Minmontu biyeteeɗo Senres ɗon nder collection Museum of Kunsthistorisches.[2]

Nder nder nder nder nder hitaande 2005, ɓe tawi ko ɓuri 250 koode nder nder nder ɓandu, ɗe archaeologists hokki Minmontu, hooreejo ardiiɓe nder Amun wakkati laamu Amenophis I. Koode ɗe ɓe tawi nder nder suudu ɓandu TT232, ɗum waawi anndude no ɓandu maako.