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Nikkie de Jager

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Nikkie de Jager
ɓii aadama
Jinsutrans woman Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuKingdom of the Netherlands Taƴto
InditirdeNikkie de Jager Taƴto
Married nameNikkie de Jager-Drossaers Taƴto
InndeNikkie Taƴto
Innde ɓesngude Jager Taƴto
PseudonymNikkieTutorials Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo2 Mbooy 1994 Taƴto
ƊofordeWageningen Taƴto
WoldeDutch, Inngilisjo Taƴto
Sana'ajimake-up artist, vlogger, television producer, YouTuber, beauty YouTuber Taƴto
AffiliationYoung Living Taƴto
Participant inMet Gala Taƴto
Notable workNikkie Tutorials Taƴto
Genrecosmetics, body art Taƴto
Award receivedDiamond Play Button Taƴto
Laawol ngol laamu anndanihttp://www.nikkietutorials.com/ Taƴto
Copyright status as a creatorworks protected by copyrights Taƴto

Nikkie de Jager-Drossaers [1] (; jibinaa ko ñalnde 2 marse 1994), ganndiraaɗo e internet ko NikkieTutorials, ko naalanke Holanndeejo, naalanke ɓaleejo, naalanke ɓaleejo. O dañii lollude e internet e hitaande 2015 caggal nde wideyoo makko YouTube "The Power of Makeup" wonti lolluɗo, o inniri wideyooji goɗɗi keewɗi ɗi yimɓe kollirta yeeso mum en tawa ina njogii e ɓe ngalaa makeup.

De Jager fuɗɗii ɓamtude fiidiyooji to Youtube nder 2008, e duuɓi 14, caggal nde o yi'i MTV's The Hills nde o nyawdi e waawde heɓaade semmbe e ɓamtude Lauren Conrad's. Nden o fuɗɗi ɗaɓɓugo YouTube ngam jaɓɓude ko'e janngooje ngam o jeyaa e o ɓeydi ɓeydaaki o fuɗɗi waɗugo hoore maako. Caggal nde o waɗi duuɓi ɗiɗi ngam jaɓɓugo vidioji, o jaɓɓii ko o waɗata haa o jaɓɓina e B Academy nder Amsterdam. O waɗi ko o waɗi e Colorfool Agency nder 2011, o fuɗɗi gollaade bana mawɗo makeup. [2]

Nder saŋgi 2013, o laati mawɗo markifugo markifuki ngam RTL 5 show I Can Make You a Supermodel bee Paul Fisher. De Jager yehi Colorfool Agency fuɗɗam 2014 ngam huutoraade bana mawɗo ɓalndu e ɓalndu. [2]

Forbes magazine noddi De Jager go'o nder "go'o" ɓurɓe "ngam" nder hitaande 2017. Nder hitaande 2017, o heɓii kadi "YouTube Guru" nder Shorty Awards e "Choice Fashion/Beauty Web Star" nder Teen Choice Awards.

Nder lewru Janaare 2019, ɗum anndini De Jager laatoɗo bo Adviseur mawnuki duniyaaru ngam Marc Jacobs Beauty. "Nikkie nder kuugal ngal ɓesngu, Nikkie heɓay hawtaade nder kuugal ɓamtaare kuugal ngal, e darnde mum e anndal mum ngam ɓeydaade ko haani e kuugal nder duniyaaru dow Marc Jacobs Beauty e nder nder kuugal mum".

E 12 lewru Yune 2020, ɗum anndini De Jager laatoto jaajorgal ɓernde goɗɗe to ONU.

Ha 23 Septemba 2021, De Jager waɗi ko'e mum ko'e limce mum, Nimya, caggal nde o ɓamta ɗum duuɓi tati. Marki ɗon woodi limɗe tati nder nder nder nder fuɗɗam: Moisturizer/Primer Hybrid, Setting Spray, e Cooling Ice Stick e glow Serum, bana bana minifan ngam yahde bee limɗe.

De Jager huwtii e marɗe ɓalli bana OFRA Cosmetics e Maybelline. Linen maako bee OFRA Cosmetics nder 2017 hawti bee lipsticks ndiyam e paletaji highlighter. Nder lewru Desemba 2019, o golli bee Lady Gaga, o ɓesdi marki maako marki Haus Laboratories.

Nder lewru August 2020, De Jager waɗi paleta mum je'e e jokkondiral bee logo Beauty Bay.

Nolde hoore

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Ha 13 Janaayo 2020, De Jager hokki YouTube video haŋki "Mi ɗon wurta", nder maajum o wurtini hoore maako bana transgender. O holli o ɗon jeyaa e goɗɗo mo ɗon haani hollaago ɗum. O fuɗɗi o fuɗɗii ɓaawo duuɓi maako.

De Jager waɗi ko Dylan Drossaers nder lewru August 2019. Ɓe njooɗii e 6 lewru Septemba 2022.

E 8 August 2020, De Jager e Drossaers ɓe jeyaa e suudu maɓɓe e Uden. Polisa Holandiyanko'en anndini goɗɗo jooɗiiɗo mo o woppi nyauɓe dow duniyaaru. Polisiyaaji fuɗɗii ɗaɓɓitde ɗum ɓaawo, ɓaawo ɗun ɓe wi'i ɗum waɗii haɓɓitaare nder ɗaɓɓitol ngol.


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De Jager (yande) e Chantal Janzen, ɗiɗo nder ardiiɓe nayi nder Eurovision Song Contest 2021.

E lewru Septemba 2017, De Jager wonnooɗo nder holloowo holloowo game show The Big Escape. Nder lewru Janaare 2019, o hawti e nder sahaa 19 nder hollande hollande holnde hollande holleede hollandeede hollande nde holleede Hollande holleende hollandeede Hollande ? O rimɗinaama nder gasa nder episode tataɓo. Nder hitaande 2019, e nder hitaande 2024, De Jager wari boo nder darnde BBC Three nder Glow Up. Nder lewru Septemba 2020, o wartii to Wie is de Mol? ngam sahaa ɓurɗo ɓeydaade duuɓi 20. O laati mawɗo nder nder nder nder nde'e sahaa.

Caggal nde fiidiyooji maako ɓooyɗi ɓooydi ɓooyɗe nder lewru Janaare 2020, De Jager laati ardiiɗo dow The Ellen DeGeneres Show, to o haalani dow haala maako dow ɓooyde maako bana transgender. O wi'i dow haala maako dow haala nder show nde o haalani dow De Wereld Draait Door, o wi'i ɗum haani o haani feere feere to ardiiɓe feere, e dow holliɗo show, Ellen DeGeneres, "ko "ko "go'o e yaasi".

Nder 10 feebari 2020, ɗum anndini De Jager laatoto jaagorɗo onndi nder nder nder nder kootoye nder kootoy nder kootoyaare Eurovision Song Contest 2020, ko ɗum waɗi ngam waɗugo nder Rotterdam. Woni ko ɓaawo ɗun ko ɓaawo ɗon ko sabu nyau COVID-19; De Jager ɓaawo ɗun o waɗii nder hollude hollude Eurovision: Europe Shine a Light, hollude e 16 May 2020, to o holli ko hollude dow ko holludi e internet to yimɓe. E 18 lewru Sember 2020, o hollitii o warti no o jokkondiri e jaaynde 2021 nden, omo ɓeydiima to jaaynde jeyaaɗo e jaayndiyanke e nder hitaande ɓaawoinde. O woni neɗɗo arandeejo mo transgender o jaɓɓi gasa.

E lewru Septemba 2020, De Jager anndini wonde laamɗo mo'o dow Drag Race Holland, hollandeeji RuPaul's Drag Race.

E lewru Mee 2024, Nikkie De Jager waɗi ngam o wonde wolwinaajo jurya ngam Netherlands to Eurovision 2024. Caggal nde hollitii hollitiiɗo hollandiyanko'en, Joost Klein, De Jager ɓaawo ɗon o ƴetti daga nder kuugal maako, nden haalde hollandiyanke AVROTROS o suɓi ngam taa o jeyaa.

Taal Koolol Ɗeeɗoo ko'e
2017 The Big Escape [nl] 6e nokkuure
Jachtseizoen [nl] Ɓaawde
2019 Hol woni de Mol? Yimɓe jeyaaɓe
Weet Ik Veel [nl]
Maɗana on ngam kiɗol
De TV Kantine [nl] Hakkere nder ɓocce RuPaul's Drag Race
Glow Up: Ɗankoowo Ɓaawowo nder Britaniya Mawɗo moofta
2020 Show Ellen DeGeneres Gooto
Eurovision: Europe ɗon wurtina jayngol Huunde huunde
Hol woni de Mol? Winndotooɗo
Drag Race Holland Mawɗo mo'o, episode 2
2021 Cup make-up Wurɗo e kiita
Glow Up: Holandiyankeejo Maaki-Abuɗo
Waɗu ko O yiɗi Hakkiilo
Eurovision Song Contest 2021 Wanoowo e Chantal Janzen, Edsilia Rombley e Jan Smit
2023 Nikkie's Make-Up Mansion Wurɗo e kiita
<i id="mwATE">Eurosong 2023</i> Hakkiilo
2024 Glow Up: Ɗankoowo Ɓaawowo nder Britaniya Mawɗo moofta

Fedde e jaaynde

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Taal Koolol Jaɓɓorgo Fedde Kuugal jeyaaɗo Koɗol Ref.
2017 9th Annual Shorty Awards Youtube Guru hoore mum|style="background: #9EFF9E; color: #000; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="yes table-yes2 notheme"|Won
Jaɓɓorgo Fedde Ɓamtaare style="background: #9EFF9E; color: #000; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="yes table-yes2 notheme"|Won
Fedde Amerik Ɓamtaare style="background: #9EFF9E; color: #000; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="yes table-yes2 notheme"|Won
2018 E! E! Hakkiilo yimɓe Template:Nom
Jaɓɓorgo Fedde Ɓamtaare Template:Nom
2019 Jaɓɓorgo Fedde Ɓamtaare Template:Nom
E! E! Hakkiilo yimɓe Template:Nom
Feddeeji ɗi ɗon ɓeyda Ɗuum tagdi: Video style="background: #9EFF9E; color: #000; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="yes table-yes2 notheme"|Won
Fedde Amerik Ɓamtaare Yimɓe Yimɓe Yimbe Yimɓe Yimboore Yimboore hoore mum|style="background: #9EFF9E; color: #000; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="yes table-yes2 notheme"|Won
2020 CellebMix Awards style="background: #9EFF9E; color: #000; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="yes table-yes2 notheme"|Won
Fedde Amerik Ɓamtaare style="background: #9EFF9E; color: #000; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="yes table-yes2 notheme"|Won
E! E! Hakkiilo yimɓe Template:Nom
2021 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards style="background: #9EFF9E; color: #000; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="yes table-yes2 notheme"|Won
  1. Template:Cite AV media
  2. 2.0 2.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named about