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Palate cleanser

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Palate cleanser

Palate-cleanser ko ñamri walla njaram ittuɗam heddiiɓe e ɗemngal, addanta neɗɗo ɓurde laaɓtude ƴeewde mbaydi kesiri.

Palate-cleansers ina heewi huutoreede hakkunde ñamde diƴƴe, ñamri, walla ñamri tiiɗndi goɗɗi.[1] Ginger pickled ina huutoree ngam laɓɓinde palate hakkunde pecce sushi.[2]

Laɓɓinooje palate Farayse gaadanteeje ina mbaɗi sorbet, mburu, ɓuuɓri appel, persil e mint.[3]

Bamia ko ñamri aada Anatolien ndi sahaa e sahaa fof ina huutoree ngam laɓɓinde palate hakkunde ñaamdu e nder ñalɗi kewu.[4]

  1. "What Foods Cleanse the Palate" (in Engeleere). Retrieved 2018-07-28.
  2. Wolf, Nicki. "What Foods Cleanse the Palate?". LIVESTRONG.COM (in Engeleere). Retrieved 2018-07-28.
  3. "Eat Like the French With These Traditional Palate Cleansers". The Spruce Eats. Retrieved 2018-07-28.
  4. Basan, G.; Basan, J. (2007). Middle Eastern Kitchen. Hippocrene Books. p. 225. ISBN 978-0-7818-1190-3.