Rima becehi

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Rima becehi
Mutiɗa inndeF. sur Taƴto
Taxon nameFicus sur Taƴto
Taxon rankspecies Taƴto
Parent taxonFicus Taƴto
Taxon common name南非榕 Taƴto
IUCN conservation statusLeast Concern Taƴto
GRIN URLhttps://npgsweb.ars-grin.gov/gringlobal/taxonomydetail.aspx?id=431792 Taƴto

Rima becehi[1]

Ciife e duttorɗe[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]

  1. Blench, Roger. 2006. Fulfulde names for plants and trees in Nigeria, Cameroun, Chad and Niger. Cambridge: Kay Williamson Educational Foundation.