Roger Kirby
- Roger Sinclair Kirby FRCS(Urol), FEBU (jibinaa ko e lewru noowammbar 1950) ko doktoor gonɗo e nder leydi Angalteer, ko porfeseer to bannge urologie, wiɗtoowo, winndiyanke ko faati e cellal worɓe e ñawu nguu, sosɗo jaaynde wiyeteende Kanser e ñawuuji ɓalndu e mbayliigaaji e nder urologie e... Men's Health e mooftuɗo kaalis ngam wallitde ñawu nguu, ɓurɗo anndeede ko e huutoraade roboo da Vinci ngam safrude ñawu nguu e nder laparoskopi. Ko o gooto e sosɓe e hooreejo fedde ballal The Urology Foundation (TUF), cukko hooreejo fedde ballal Prostate Cancer UK, hoolaare opitaal laamɗo Edward VII, e tuggi 2020 haa 2024 o woniino hooreejo fedde laamɗo safaara ( RSM), to Londres.Roger Kirby
ɓii aadama Jinsu gorko Ɓii-leydiyankaaku Biritaani-Mawndi Sooma Roger Sinclair Kirby Innde Roger, Sinclair Innde ɓesngu Kirby Ɗuubi daygo Jolal 1950 Ɗoforde Buckinghamshire Marude Joe Kirby, Vanessa Kirby Ɗemngal British English Wolde Inngilisjo Writing language British English Field of work urology Employer University of London, St Bartholomew's Hospital, Berkhamsted School Janngi to University of Cambridge, University of London Memba en The Urology Foundation Award received Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons
Caggal jaŋde makko e heblo makko to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde St John’s College, Cambridge e Middlesex, to Londres, e seertude e seppooji, Kirby ƴetti golle seppooji keewɗi e nder Angalteer. E hitaande 1979 o heɓi fellowship to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde laamɗo to Angalteer. Wiɗtooji makko gadani ɗii ko ƴeewde no nerfuuji ɗii ngollirta ngam haɓaade ƴiye kuutorteeɗe ngam haɓaade ƴiiƴam, tawi ko yiytaa koo ina yedda miijo ngo o wonnoo e oon sahaa wonde jogaade ƴiiƴam e nder won e rewɓe ko hakkille, e golle baɗɗe faayiida ngam heɓde MD makko e hitaande 1986. E nder... e hitaande ndee tan, o suɓaama kadi porfeseer Hunterian e yeewtere makko tiitoonde « Wiɗto e njuɓɓudi ɓuuɓri ƴiiƴam », o toɗɗaa kadi konsulteer urologist to opitaal St Bartholomew, to Londres. Caggal ɗuum o ƴetti golle e juuɗe John Wickham, caggal ɗuum o wonti gooto e annduɓe urologie en adanɓe e nder leydi Angalteer waɗde prostatektomi radikal udditiiɗo ngam kanseer prostate nokkuyankeewo. E hitaande 1995, o wonti porfeseer urologie e gardiiɗo jaŋde leslesre to opitaal St George, to Londres, e hitaande 2005 o sosi nokku biyeteeɗo The Prostate Center to Wimpole Street, to Londres, tawi faandaare mum ko rokkude mboros oo, tawa ina waɗi feere ɓurnde laaɓtude, wasiyaaji e cellal worɓe keewɗi, haa arti noon e ñaamde e fijirde.
Ko o daraniiɗo ƴeewtaade tolno PSA neɗɗo e hoore mum, kadi o waɗii golle makko e nder seppooji ngam wiɗtude e safrude kanseer prostate, o yiytaa e safrude kanseer prostate e hoore makko e hitaande 2012, o yalti e hitaande 2013 "Tale of Four Prostates", ɗo o jeyaa seernaaɓe nayo yeewtidɓe e dow wellitaare ñawu nguu, safaara mum e batte mum, tawi faandaare mum ko riiwtude taƴe taariinde ɗum.
Nguurndam e jaŋde puɗɗagol Roger Kirby jibinaa ko to Buckinghamshire, ɓesngu mum ko Janet e Kenneth Kirby. Baaba makko ko porfeseer to bannge biyokimiya, kadi ko gooto e fedde wiyeteende Royal Society, gollotonooɗo e gardagol to bannge ganndal cellal to nokku biyeteeɗo e oon sahaa Duɗal Wiɗto Chester Beatty. O maayi ko e hitaande 1967 tawi omo yahra e duuɓi 49, tawi Kirby ina yahra e duuɓi 15.[[1] O janngi duɗal sukaaɓe worɓe Berkhamsted e miñiiko mawɗo e tokooso, ɗo kamɓe tato kadi ɓe njuɓɓini e nder ekipaaji rugby duɗal ngal.[2]
Golle seernaaɓe Kirby heɓi bak makko e gannde safaara to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde St John’s to Cambridge, e hitaande 1972, o timmini jaŋde makko to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Middlesex (caggal ɗuum o hawri e duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde), ɗo o heɓi heen miijo e gardiiɗo ganndo urologie biyeteeɗo Richard Turner-Warwick. O heɓi MB BChir makko to Cambridge e hitaande 1975, e seertude e seppooji, ko ɗum woni mbaydi teskinndi ndi addani mo feewde e seppooji wonaa e kardiyoloji.[[3]
Golle Kirby gadane e nder galle mum ko to opitaal mawɗo Cheltenham, ɗo o gollodii e doktoor biyeteeɗo Peter Boreham, mo hirjini mo ngam jokkude fannu urologie e teeŋti noon e ñawu prostate.[4] Caggal ɗuum, o ƴetti golle to Brighton, to Wolverhampton, to Gloucester. Jannginooɓe makko woɗɓe ina njeyaa heen Ken Shuttleworth e Wyndam Lloyd Davies. O waɗii e fedde sakkitiinde e nder duɗe jaaɓi haaɗtirde laamɗo e hitaande 1979.[5] Kirby siftinii caggal ɗuum no yimɓe heewɓe e kitaale 1970 nanaani haala mboros oo. E nder oon sahaa, o tawtoraama yimɓe heewɓe wonduɓe e ɓuuɓri mawndi, ndi haɗata ɓuuɓri ƴiiƴam, e yimɓe heewɓe wonduɓe e ɓuuɓri ƴiiƴam, ndi addanta ɗum mette. Nde o yiyi neɗɗo ina wondi e kanseer prostate, ko feere seppo ɗiɗi tan o waawi waɗde : ittude ƴiiƴam walla seppo ittude hakkunde prostate, ɗiɗaɓo oo waɗaama ngam moƴƴinde doggol ƴiiƴam.[6]
E hitaande 1985, Kirby waɗii jonte joy to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Duke, to North Carolina, Amerik, e dow bursi yah-ngartaa to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde laamɗo.[7][8][9] Ko adii ɗuum, ko o wiɗtoowo to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Middlesex, o hawri e Clare Fowler, ɓe kawri e maɓɓe, ɓe njaltini binndanɗe wiɗtooji ko faati e no nerve gollortoo ngam haɓaade ƴiye kuutorteeɗe ngam haɓaade ƴiiƴam, golle ɗe ngoni ko e darnde Fowler fof e yeeso e geɗe gonɗe e nder yimɓe wonduɓe e... ngonkaaji ƴiiƴam, e binndol doktoraa Kirby.[10] E hitaande 1986 ɓe njaltinii ko ɓe njiyti koo, ko ɗum seedtini ko heewi e oon sahaa wonde jogaade ƴiiƴam e nder won e rewɓe ko huunde nde hakkille walla ko huunde nde alaa ɗo haaɗi.[11] Sarɗi oo ari anndireede ko « syndrome de Fowler » tee ina fo... Jam baandu Kirby ina ƴeewtoo PSA mum hitaande kala, ina mahira PSA mum keeriiɗo mo heddii ina famɗi.] Kono, e hitaande 2012, tawi omo yahra e duuɓi 61, o teskiima ɓeydagol e caggal ƴeewndo magnetik 3-Tesla, biopsie transrectal guidée par ultrason e skanndeer ƴiye, o heɓi kanseer prostate, o waɗii safaara opereeji ngam ngonka ka o safranoo e nder nguurndam makko e nder seppooji ɗii fof. Adenokarsinooma Gleason 3+4=7 1,3cc ƴettaa haa laaɓi, o waɗi cellal timmungal.[Caggal safaara, o jeyaa ko e safrooɓe nayo yeewtidiiɓe e dow wellitaare ko fayti e ñawu nguu, safaara oo e batte mum, o feeñii e "Tale of Four Prostates" e wideyoo mo o yahdi e mum e hitaande 2013. O hollitii wonde omo "yaakorii(d) wonde udditgol ngol ko fayti e... ƴeewndorɗe men e njuɓɓudi men maa mballu e riiwtude taƴre nde haa jooni ina jokki e ndeeɗoo kanseer ɓurɗo heewde e worɓe".[12] In 1986 they published their findings that disproved the then widely held belief that retention of urine in some women was psychological or hysterical.[13]
Binndanɗe cuɓaaɗe Kirby yaltinii ko ɓuri 350 deftere ganndal ƴeewndaande, o winndii defte 68, o sosi kadi jaayndeeji ganndal ɗiɗi : Kanser e ñawuuji prostate e mbaydiiji e nder Urologie e cellal worɓe.[14] O woniino kadi gardiiɗo jaaynde wiyeteende « Urologie » e nder leydi Angalteer.
E nder deftere wiyeteende The Prostate: Caɗeele mawɗe gonɗe e ƴiiƴam tokosam, taƴre wootere winndaa ko e Clive Turner, mo o waɗi prostatektomi radikal e hoore makko, caggal ɗuum o wasiyii worɓe woɗɓe miijaade ngool laawol.[15] and was elected the Hunterian Professorship with a lecture titled "The Investigation and Management of the Neurogenic Bladder".[16][17] E nder deftere makko Men’s Health, jowitiinde e maayde ko yaawi e nder worɓe, haa teeŋti e baaba makko, kanko e miñiiko Mike Kirby e gollodiiɗo makko Culley C. Carson III, ɓe ndartinii ƴeewtaade ŋakkeende maayde hakkunde rewɓe e worɓe. Deftere makko Fast facts: Kanser prostate naatii e bayyinaango mum sappoɓo e hitaande 2020.[18]
Defte Atlas ko faati e ɓuuɓri. Taylor & Francis (2003), ISBN 9781842142417 Ardorde mon e Kanser Prostate. Hoddere Arnold (2005). ISBN 9780340906200. (E wondude e Claire Taylor) Kanser prostate: Kuule e golle. Taylor e Farayse (2006), ISBN 9781841844589. Prostate: Gland tokooso Caɗeele mawɗe. Jaaynde njamu, (2006), ISBN 9781903734896 Nafoore Doktoor Hospitaal: Annduɓe ɓee ina ndennda sirluuji mum en. Jaaynde cellal (2007). ISBN 978-1-903734-79-7. (E Toni Mundi) Cellal Worɓe. Londres: Ruutlej (2009). (Edition 3). ISBN 9780415447331. Ko Karson C. Cully III, Maykel Kirbi e Adrian White mbaɗi ɗum ABC mo Kanser Prostate. Wiley-Blaakwel (2011). ISBN 9781444346916. (E wondude e Prokar Dasgupta) Goongaaji yaawɗi: Kanser prostate. Karjeer (2020). 10ɓo Ed. ISBN 978-1-910797-37-2. (E Manish I. Patel) Binndanɗe Janngirɗe ƴiiƴam neurogenic, Annals de la Collège des Surgeons Angalteer, (Ciimtol Lecture Hunterian waɗaande to Duɗal Jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Angalteer, 4 suwee 1986), Vol. 70, limngal 5. (1988), hello 285-288 "Disfunction uretro-vesical e nder ŋakkeende otonomi yahrude yeeso e atrofiiji keewɗi", binndol ngol Clare Fowler, John Gosling e Roger Bannister, Jaaynde ganndal ƴiiƴam, ƴiiƴam ƴiiƴam, e safaara hakkille, Vol. 49, (1986), kelle 554-562 "Caɗeele e worɓe". Jaaynde winndereere ko faati e urologie, 23 feebariyee 2012 doi:10.1111/j. (E wondude e Mayikel Kirbi, Kulley Karson e John M. Fitzpatrik) "Richard Turner-Warwick" Jaaynde Angalteer ko faati e uroloji hakkunde leyɗeele (2014). (E nder Kiristofer Chapple) "Taariindi prostaaji nayi". Ɗemɗe e nder uroloji e cellal worɓe, lewru marse/abriil 2013 (E wondude e Damian Hanbury, John Anderson e Sean G. Vesey) Kubaruji "Natal balloowo Prostate UK". 16 mars 2009 "Balle Prostate UK hawri". Jaaynde Angalteer ko faati e Urologie, yaltunde adannde : 29 ut 2012. (E wondude e Owen Sharp, Paul Forster, e Jonathan Waxman) "Aɗa hebii yahde kasoo ngam tuumeede warngo?". Jaaynde Angalteer ko faati e urologie hakkunde leyɗeele (2014) Laabi joy ngam haɗde worɓe maayde e kanseer prostate. Telegaraaf, 2 feebariyee 2018 Ɓeydagol e nder neldugol kanseer prostate caggal nde Stephen Fry heɓi rafi o. Jaambaraagal e nder Urologie e cellal worɓe, 13 suwee 2018 Tuugnorgal
Kirbi, Roger (abriil 2023). "Leƴƴi e nder Uroloji". Jaaynde Kanadaa ko faati e Urologie. 30 (2): 11459-11461. PMID 37074742. Kirbi, Roger S.; Karson, Kulli C.; Kirbi, Mikael G.; Daneejo, Alan (2009). "Ko adii". Cellal worɓe (3e éd.). Jaaynde CRC. pp. Xviii. ISBN 9780415447331. Kirby, R. (28 suwee 2012). "Yewtere e Roger Kirby, MA, MD, FRCS (Urol), FEBU". Jaaynde Angalteer ko faati e Urologie hakkunde leyɗeele. 110 (8): 1095-1096. Doi:10.1111/j.1464-410x.2012.11575.x. ISSN 1464-4096. PMID 23020700. S2CID 28047798. Kon, Andreya (5 ut 2005). "Professeur teddinaama ngam golle mum seppo e medal". Bucks Jaayndeeji ɗi ngalaa njoɓdi. Keɓtinaama ñalnde 12 lewru juko 2019. Kirbi, Rojer. "Roger Sinklaar Kirbi; deftere nguurndam" (PDF). Catal Prostate, to Londres. "Nguurndam jannginoowo Roger Kirby". Keɓtinaama ñalnde 11 lewru juko 2019. "Kawtal – Fedde Jaŋngooɓe Cambridge". Keɓtinaama ñalnde 13 lewru juko 2019. "E nder yeewtere e Roger Kirby". Kabaaru Urologie. Ƴeewtaa ko ñalnde 15 suwee 2020. Kirbi, Roger (28 ut 2013). "Waylooji e."
- ↑ Kirby, Roger (April 2023). "Legends in Urology". The Canadian Journal of Urology. 30 (2): 11459–11461. PMID 37074742 Check
value (help). - ↑ Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedKirby2009
- ↑ Kirby, R. (28 September 2012). "An interview with Roger Kirby, MA, MD, FRCS (Urol), FEBU". British Journal of Urology International. 110 (8): 1095–1096. doi:10.1111/j.1464-410x.2012.11575.x. ISSN 1464-4096. PMID 23020700. S2CID 28047798.
- ↑ Kirby, Roger. "Roger Sinclair Kirby; Curriculum Vitae" (PDF). The Prostate Centre, London.
- ↑ Kon, Andrea (5 August 2005). "Professor honoured for his surgical work with medal". Bucks Free Press. Retrieved 12 June 2019.
- ↑ Cite error: Invalid
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- ↑ Cite error: Invalid
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- ↑ "Professor Roger Kirby biography". Retrieved 11 June 2019.
- ↑ "The Council – Cambridge Medical Graduates' Society". Retrieved 13 June 2019.
- ↑ "In conversation with Roger Kirby". Urology News. Retrieved 15 September 2020.
- ↑ "Hunterian professorship" (PDF). College and Faculty Bulletin Supplement to the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. pp. 7–9. PMC 2498386.
- ↑ Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedInterview2012
- ↑ Padmanabhan, Priya; Rosenblum, Nirit (2008). "16. Idiopathic urinary retention in the female". In Raz, Shlomo; Rodriguez, Larissa V. (eds.). Female Urology (in English) (Third ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier. pp. 187–192. ISBN 978-1-4160-2339-5.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
- ↑ "Interview with professor Clare J. Fowler" (PDF). Queen Square Alumnus Association: 13–17. December 2021.
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- ↑ Kirby, R. S. (September 1988). "Studies of the neurogenic bladder". Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 70 (5): 285–288. ISSN 0035-8843. PMC 2498826. PMID 3190128.