Serie Barford

Iwde to Wikipedia

o Ko o winndi e nder hitaande 2007 ko e nder hitaande 2007, o winndi ko e nder goomu makko. O winndi defte nayi feere ɗen (e hitaande 1985, 1989, 2015, e 2021). Ɗe poems e geɗe mum'en ɗon haalan nder nder nder nder ɗemɗe e nder nder nder anthologies, e nder maɓɓe Mauri Ola, Whetu Moana, Niu Voices, Landfall, Poetry New Zealand, Dreadlocks, Writing the Pacific, Trout, Blackmail Press, Snorkel and Best New Zealand Poems. Sleeping with Stones wonnoo nder nder nder nder ko ɓe rokki Mary e Peter Biggs Award for Poetry to Ockham New Zealand Book Awards 2022[1]