Shelford Bridge
Lesdi | Osterliya |
Nder laamoore | Golden Plains Shire |
Location | Shelford |
Jonde kwa'odineto | 38°0′50″S 143°58′37″E |
Date of official opening | 1874 |
Crosses | Leigh River |
Heritage designation | listed on the Victorian Heritage Register |
Ponto Shelford ko ponto laawol gonɗo e njamndi mboɗeeri, mahaaɗo e hitaande 1873-4 dow maayo Leigh, mo Charles Anthony Korbett Wilson (1827-1923) waɗi e laawol mawngol ummoraade Melbourne fayde Portland to Victoria, Ostarali.[1]
Fuuɓol maayo Leigh (ko Yarrowee) foti waɗugo ko'e maɓɓe ngam laami arandeeji ɗi ɓe maaki nder Victoria, nde laami laami nder 1840. Ɗuum fuɗɗii haɓɓugo nder hitaande 1851 bee laami ɓurɗi mawnugo dow laami e pi'ooji bluestone, e nder laami laami laamɓe hannde.[2]
Mburdi ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon haago dow maare bluestone e dow maare, ɗon woodi ɗiɗo half-through, wrought iron, box girders continuous over three spans, supporting a riveted wrought iron frame deck. Lamarɗe ɗe ƴiwoyi diga Liverpool e nder Geelong dow komiwal British Empire.[3]
Fuuɗe ɗon ɗon jooɗi dow kolli kolli e kuugal kuugal kugal nder nokku diga kuugal kuungal kuugal kuwal nder Ballarat John Price. Ɗum gooto nder ko'e ceede ceede ɗe ɗe'e nder lesdi Australia, koo nde woodi misaaluji mawɗi nder lesdi Europe bana Brunel's Britannia Bridge.[4]
Buro 1874 fuɗɗii haɓɓugo geɗe ɓooyɗe diga 1851, ɗe laaɓtake naftoraade ko'e maare bluestone. CAC Wilson waɗi jaɓɓorgo dow laabi ɗuuɗɗi nder Leigh e nder nder nder nder duuɓi 64 nder golle maako (1846-1910).[5]
Mburdi ɗon nder Listiraandi Duɗal Victoria, nden o ɗon hisna diga halki nde njinjirjo lesdi lesdi lesdi lesdi ndi Peter Alsop ɗon kolli mawɓe maako dow mburdi ɓaŋgi dow laawol ɓeydi.
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]- ↑ Alsop, P. F. B., 1971, 'History of the Shelford iron bridge over the Leigh River, Bannockburn–Rokewood Road, Shire of Leigh'
- ↑ Gary Vines, Metal Road Bridges in Victoria Part 1, National Trust of Victoria, 2003
- ↑ Shelford Structure Plan, Shire of Golden Plains Feb. 2013
- ↑ On My Door step, Bridge over Leigh River
- ↑ National Estate Register: citation