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The Death of Chatterton

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Henri Wallis - Chaterton

Maayde Chatterton ko natal nebam e dow ŋoral, ngal pentoowo Engele biyeteeɗo Henry Wallis (1830 - 1916) waɗi, jooni ko e Tate Angalteer, to Londres. Ɗiɗi tokoosi, sketch walla replikaaji, ina njogii galle mooftirɗo naalankaagal Birmingham e nokku naalankaagal Yale ngam naalankaagal Angalteer. Natal Tate ngal ina waɗi 62,2 santimeeteer (24,5 in) e 93,3 santimeeteer (36,7 in),[1] e ngal timminaa e nder hitaande 1856.

Pentol ngol

[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]
Maayde Chatterton LCCN2003674219

Tiitoonde natal ngal ko yimoowo Engele biyeteeɗo Thomas Chatterton (1752–1770) mo duuɓi 17, holliraaɗo maayɗo caggal nde o tooki hoore makko e arsenik e hitaande 1770. Chatterton ina hiisee wonde jaambaaro Romantik wonande sukaaɓe heewɓe e... naalankooɓe ƴaañooɓe e jamaanu Wallis.

Chatterton mo Wallis hollitii jokkondiral mum e mbaydi Pre-Raphaelite, yiyteteendi e kalaaji ɓuuɓɗi e mahngo laaɓtungo e detal maande. O huutoriima mbaydi colour bold e palet contrastant e o huutoriima faɗo annoore naange rewrude e windo garret ngam huutoraade style makko mo o yiɗnoo no feewi e oon sahaa, chiaroscuro. Wallis penti golle ɗee e nder suudu sehil mum to Gray’s Inn, tawi ko Cathedral St Paul ina yiyee e dow asamaan e nder windo. Ina gasa tawa ko jokkere enɗam, sibu ooɗoo nokku ina ɓadii gartirgol to Brooke Street ɗo Chatterton maayi duuɓi 86 ko adii ɗuum. Model kuutorteeɗo ngam nate ɗee ko suka biyeteeɗo George Meredith, winndiyanke e yimoowo Engele mo teeminannde 19ɓiire.

Natal ngal ko golle Wallis gadane hollirteeɗe. Nde hollitaama e koolol ndunngu to Royal Academy e hitaande 1856, e binndol ummoraade e musiiba Doktoor Faustus mo Christopher Marlowe winndi e dow kaɓirgal ngal : « Taƴre ndee ko calɗi potɗi mawnude haa timma, kadi ko calɗi Apollo ɓuuɓɗi ». Ko ɗum nafoore ɗoon e ɗoon, John Ruskin siftini ɗum ko "ko alaa ko bonnata, ko huunde haawniinde". Nde dañii jamaanu mawngu e koolol Art Treasures to Manchester e hitaande 1857, nde hollitaama kadi to Dublin e hitaande 1859, nde jeyaa ko e nate ɓurɗe lollude e teeminannde 19ɓiire e mbaadi binndol jibinannde.

Wallis yeeyi nate ɗee Augustus Egg e hitaande 1856, Egg yeeyi hakke waɗde nate mbaylaandi. Natal ngal wonti ko ñaawirdu caggal nde fotoowo Dublin biyeteeɗo James Robinson heɓi miijo mum ngam feewnude natal ngal no tableau vivant nii ngam waawde yeeyde fotooje nokku oo. Natal ngal ko Charles Gent Clement acci ɗum e galle galle Tate e hitaande 1899.

Won mbaydiiji ɗiɗi ɓurɗi famɗude e ndeeɗoo toɓɓere nde Wallis winndi, heen gooto ko wiɗto walla ko nanndi e nder Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, ko ina tolnoo e 17,3 santimeeteer (6,8 in) e 25,25 santimeeteer (9,94 in) e, ko huunde nde heewaani yiyeede e oon sahaa, koppi tokoosi nebam e dow panneel to nokku biyeteeɗo Yale Center for British Art, mo njuuteendi mum tolnii e 22,7 santimeeteer (8,9 in) e 30,2 santimeeteer (11,9 in). Golle Birmingham ɗee njeeyaama to Christie's e hitaande 1875 to Baron Albert Grant, caggal ɗuum e hitaande 1877 to William Kendrick, o rokki ɗum galle oo e hitaande 1918.

Mawɗo jimoowo fedde Feu! Chatterton wiyi ko o jibini ngalɗoo natal ngam innde fedde nde.[citation needed].

Wideyooji yaajɗi

ikon wideyoo Wallis, daartol hakkille[7]

Galle Tate, hello dow nate, ko ɓuri ɗum

Murtuɓe e martiriiji: Natal naalanke e nder teeminannde sappo e jeenay, Alexander Sturgis, p. 52

Krzysztof Cieszkowski, "Waɗooɓe leƴƴi: Chatterton, Wallis e Meredith", Taariindi hannde, Vol. 32, tonngoode 11, lewru noowammbar 1982.[1]

Anndal fotooji, 1839-1914: Nate e jikkuuji, Heinz K. Henisch, Bridget Ann Henisch, pp. 306-7

Hello suudu defte Birmingham e galle naalankaagal

"Haala Wallis". Taariindi ganndal to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Khan. Ƴeewtaa ko ñalnde 22 lewru Yarkomaa 2013.

Kategoriiji: 1856 nateNate Henry WallisMooftirgel galleeji TateMooftirgel Birmingham Musée e Galle naalankaagalNate e nder nokku Yale ngam naalankaagal AngalteerNate ko adii RaphaeliteNate ko faati e warngoLondon e nder naalankaagal