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The Writer From a Country Without Bookstores

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The Write From a Country woni film dowla dowla dow nguurndam e kuugal Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel, mawɗo winndoowo ɓurɗo tolleede diga Equatorial Guinea, mo o waawi dilli lesdi mum nder hitaande 2011 caggal nde o haɓɓi dow laamu Teodoro Obiang. Fim holliti laawol maako nder lesdi Spain, nder lesdi ɗo o ɗon ɗaɓɓa ngam heɓugo anndal e jaɓugo nder defte maako, e warugo maako nder lesdi maako, nder lesdi ndi o ɗon hawta be risku e caɗeele nder nder nder nder lesdi maako. Fim ngal ko Marc Serena, jaayndiyanke e jaayndiyaajo Espaañ, mo windi e Avila Laurel hoore mum. Film ngal fuɗɗii nder hitaande 2019 e o heɓi jaabawol e jaabawol feere-feere nder jaayɗe filmɗe duniyaaru. Fim woni fotooji mawɗo e ɓeydaani dow mawɗo mo naftira e bolle maako bana konu dow hakkiilo e kalluɗum.[1][2]

  1. https://www.theopenreel.com/portfolio-item/the-writer-from-a-country-without-bookstores/
  2. https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/28091/new-documentary-explores-one-of-the-worlds-oldest-dictatorships