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human settlement
LesdiLabiriyaa Taƴto
Nder laamooreGrand Gedeh County Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto6°10′0″N 8°15′0″W Taƴto

Tuzon is a small town in south-eastern Liberia, situated in Grand Gedeh County. It is located twelve miles north of Zwedru, the county seat.[1] Tuzon is a stronghold of the Krahn people.

Ɗum anndiraa ko nokkuure ɓaleejo hooreejo leydi Samuel Doe, hooreejo leydi 21.

Nder hitaande 1990 nder konu lesdi Liberia, Tuzon ɗon jeyi ngam konu maagal Charles Taylor, mo duuɓi jeeɗiɗi ɓaawo ɗon o laatii hooreejo leydi. Yimɓe nokkuure nde'e ndilli to Côte d'Ivoire.

  1. Ayad, Christophe. "The Messiah?", The Independent, October 11, 2005.