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Western State Hospital (Kentucky)

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Opitaal dowla hirnaange ko opitaal hakkille mo laamu nguu rokkata kaalis mum to Hopkinsville, to leydi Kentucky.

Pewnugol ngol fuɗɗii ko e hitaande 1848, to Hopkinsville, to Kentucky, to nokku biyeteeɗo The Asylum Lunatic Western Kentucky, mo fuɗɗii jaɓɓaade ñawɓe e hitaande 1854. Caggal ɗuum, o wayli innde mum ko Hospitaal Dowla Hirnaange, nokku oo ina golloroo hannde e nokku ɗo ñawɓe ngoni ɗoo ngam safrude ñawɓe hakkille. Ina woni e binndital ngenndiwal nokkuuji daartol. Nde joginoo ko ina tolnoo e 2 200 ñawɗo e hitaande 1950. Leɗɗe moƴƴe ngam safrude ñawanɗe hakkille ina addana ɗum de-institutionalisation e ustaare ñawɓe wonɓe e safrirde. Yimɓe wonɓe e safrirde ndee e hitaande 2004 ko 220 neɗɗo, ummoriiɓe e diiwanuuji 34 to bannge hirnaange Kentucky. Golle mayre tati ɗee ina njoginoo 650 gollotooɗo e hitaande 2004.

Daartol keewngol ko fayti e golle paranormal ina winndaa, ina foti yeewteede e deftere aroore wiyeteende Hauntings de l’asile lunatique occidental, nde winndiyanke biyeteeɗo Steve E. Asher winndi. [2]

"Sistem humpito binnditagol ngenndi". Winnditorde ngenndiire nokkuuji daartol. Sarwiis Park ngenndi. Ñalnde 9 sulyee 2010.

Bigham, Karen (5 abriil 2004). "Opitaal Dowla Hirnaange". Kentucky jamaanu keso. Ƴeewtaama ñalnde 23 lewru Mbooy 2012.

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Daartol Dowla Hirnaange