Wonde ɓeydaaki nder New York
"Kulol e nder wuro New York" ko feccere e Thunderbirds, ko teleeji Angalteer ɗi Gerry e Sylvia Anderson mbaɗi, ɗi sosiyetee maɓɓe peewnoowo filmuuji biyeteeɗo AP Films (APF, caggal ɗuum Century 21 Productions) filmi ngam ITC Entertainment. Winndi nde ko Alan Fennell, David Elliott e David Lane ardii nde, nde fuɗɗii yaltude ko ñalnde 21 oktoobar 1965 e tele ATV Midlands, nde woni yeewtere nayaɓere e nder yeewtere wootere. E nder doggol laawɗungol, ko ngol woni go’o ko 13ɓo.[1] Nde waɗii yeewtere mum adannde e nder leydi Angalteer ñalnde 22 noowammbar 1991 e BBC2.[1]
Ko e kitaale 2060, yeewtere ndee rewi ko e golle International Rescue, fedde huutortoonde otooji hisnude karallaagal ngam hisnude nguurndam aadee. Ko ɓuri heewde e yimɓe ɓee ko gonnooɗo astronaut biyeteeɗo Jeff Tracy, sosɗo fedde wiyeteende International Rescue, e ɓiɓɓe mum njoyo mawɓe, ardiiɓe laaɗe diwooje gadane fedde ndee : masiŋaaji Thunderbird. E nder « Kulhuli e nder wuro New York », Thunderbird 2, oto joloowo e laana ndiwoowa International Rescue, bonnii no feewi nde laana ndiwoowa Amerik njuumti e laana ndiwoowa kaɓirgal, ka werlii misilaaji. Caggal ɗuum, to wuro New York, eɓɓoore bonnde ngam ittude galle Empire State Building addani suudu nduu yani, ndu nanngi jaaynoowo gooto e kameraajo mum e nder maayo les leydi. Nde Thunderbird 2 yalti e golle, International Rescue ina foti yiytude feere woɗnde ngam nawde Thunderbird 4 gonɗo e nder ndiyam to nokku musiiba oo ngam hisnude worɓe ɗiɗo ɓee.
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Caggal nde ɓe timmini yiite ɓuuɓri petroŋ, Scott e Virgil Tracy (daande Shane Rimmer e David Holliday) ina peewna ngam hootde to base. Nde Virgil yaltata e Thunderbird 2, Scott yiyti jaayndiyanke biyeteeɗo Ned Cook e kameraajo mum, Joe, ina filma Thunderbird 1, o yamiri ɓe yo ɓe ngoppu. Miijo makko ina jogii peeje skoop keɓɗo njeenaari, Ned riiwi e Joe, dogi Scott rewi e oto maɓɓe, huutorii pulse elektoro-magnetik Thunderbird 1 ngam momtude nate kameraaji ɗii.
Nder laawol to Tracy Island, Thunderbird 2 tawii ngam ndiyam ɓaawoji USN Sentinel, bandiraaɓe maɓɓe ɗon mari ko'e maɓɓe e dow ndiyam ngam ɓe ɗon yiɗi ɗum bee misiilaji duniyaaru-mu'un. Jeff (ji'eteeɗo Peter Dyneley) ɗon ɗon hawta Washington, D.C. e ɗon waɗa haɓre ɗon, ammaa Thunderbird 2 ɗon wona ɓurna e yiite e Virgil ɗon waawde ɓeydaaki wurtugo dow laawol Tracy Island. Nde Brains (ko David Graham hawtori) ɗon haɓɓii ngam haɓɓugo, Virgil ɗon hoɗugo daga haɓɓugo maako.
Wakkati feere ɓaawo, Tracy'en ɗon ndaara holla huutoraade ngam darnugo Empire State Building ngam waɗugo laawol ngam darnuki Midtown Manhattan. Kaje ɗon wara nde taƴuki waɗi to suudu duule ɗon ƴiwo diga nder suudu maako, o ɗon maaki. Ned e Joe, ɓe ɗon ɗon haɓɓana haala, ɓe ɗon haɓɓoo nder ɓandu e ɓe ɗon haɓa nder ɓandu. Nder radioji studio, Ned wi'i ɓe ɗon nder go'o ɗon ɓilla bee ndiyam. Brain'en ɗon wi'a nde ndiyam ɗon maaki ngam ndiyam ɓaawo leydi ɗon ɓadito nder suudu.
Ned e Joe'en tammunde tan woni kisndam nder ndiyam, amma to Thunderbird 2 walaa laawol Tracys'en ɓe mbaawataa jaɓɓugo Thunderbird 4 to New York. Virgil holli wonde Sentinel ɗon dilli ndiyam ndiyam, Jeff boo ɗon dilli aquanaut Gordon (ko David Graham wi'i) haa o hawta bee Navy. Nder wakkati maajum, Scott ɗon dilli nder Thunderbird 1 ngam wallude mawɓe ngam ɓe ɗon jaɓɓa Ned e Joe. Ɗuum waɗi ɓe taƴi haa nder nder nder nder suudu ngam ɓe mbaadi e kuuje nder ndiyam ngam huutoreeɓe.
To sentinel yahu New York, cellal ngal ɗon maɓɓa bee ndiyam, Ned e Joe ɗon ɓorki ɓorki ngam ɓe nyaama, ngam ɓe keɓan yaawde haa ɓe ɗon nyaama saa'i ɗiɗi. Gordon ɗon wurtina Thunderbird 4 e ɗon wurtini dow maayo. Nder lesdi, ɓaawo ɓaawo ɗon, ɓaawo maajum, ɓaawo ɗon ɗon ɗon haɗana maɓɓugo Fulmer Finance. Scott ɗon hulɓina Ned e Joe ɓe maayi, o ɗon haalaaɓe e radio o ɗon wi'aɓe ɓe ɓe fuɗɗita njamnugo dow maayo. Ɓaawo ɓe ɗon ɓilla, Thunderbird 4 ɓaawo maajum ɗon hawtaɓe bee maɓɓe, ɗon ɗon ɗon wurtina ɓe nder nokkuure nde Fulmer Finance Building ɗon maɓɓata, ɗon waɗi ɓandu ndiyam.
Nder firoore ɓaawo, Ned ɗon holla holliɗum teleeji maako yeeso yimɓe ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon yi'a ngam o yetti International Rescue ngam o hisni maako, o anndaa ɓurna yimɓe ɗon jooɗi nder dammugal.
Ɗuumɓe ɓaleeɓe
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]- Peter Dyneley nder Jeff Tracy
- David Graham nder Gordon Tracy e BaabaƁuum
- David Holliday nder Virgil Tracy
- Shane Rimmer be Scott Tracy
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Woni ɓernde ngam haala ngal wari diga Gerry Anderson, mo janngini winndannde nder wardi dow darnde jaappeere nder suudu feere nder nder nder nder laawol. Anderson ɓaawo ɗon o siftini " ngam daliila ma'aare maako mawnde bana kuugal, [dukaaru] naa' ɗum halki, ammaa ɗum ɓaŋgi ɗum, o dilli nder nokkuure kesum". [1] [2]
Woni ɓaawo ɗun Fennell e Keith Page waɗii serialisation nder nder nder nder ɗemngal 9 haa 11 nder Fleetway's Thunderbirds: The Comic, wurtunde nder hitaande 1992. Fedde nden fuɗɗiti waɗugo nder album Thunderbirds in Action ɓaawo nder hitaande nden.[3]