A Man of the People
Golle imaaɗe | 1966 |
Title | A Man of the People |
Part of the series | African Writers Series |
Main subject | corruption |
Follows | Arrow of God |
Followed by | Anthills of the Savannah |
Form of creative work | novel |
Genre | fiction literature, political fiction |
Has edition or translation | Mwakilishi wa watu, A Man of the People, Q125459812 |
Author | Chinua Achebe |
Publisher | Penguin Classics |
Place of publication | Dowlaaji Dentuɗi |
Country of origin | Naajeeriya |
Language of work or name | Inngilisjo |
Publication date | 1966 |
Narrative location | Naajeeriya |
Distribution format | printed book |
Gorko Yimɓe ko deftere nde winndiyanke Naajeeriya biyeteeɗo Chinua Achebe winndi. Winndaa ko e mbaydi satiri, "A Man of the People" ina rewi e daartol ngol Odili, suka gorko, jannguɗo, haali, ko fayti e luural mum e Chief Nanga, gonnooɗo jannginoowo mum naatɗo e golle politik e nder Afriknaajo fenaande mo innde mum anndaaka, mo teeminannde 20ɓiire lesdi. Odili woni ko holliri yontaaji mbayliigu, Nanga woni ko holliri aadaaji Afrik hirnaange ɗi Achebe jibinaa e leydi Najeriya. Deftere nde joofi ko e kuudetaa konu, nannduɗo e kuudetaa goonga mo mawɗo Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu, mawɗo Adewale Ademoyega , mawɗo Emmanuel Ifeajuna, kapiteen Chris Anuforo, mawɗo Donatus Okafor, e mawɗo Humphrey Chukwuka yuɓɓini.
Naatgol plot "A man of the People" ko deftere satirik nde Chinua Achebe winndi, yaltunde e hitaande 1966. Nde haalata ko daartol Odili, suka jannginoowo e nder leydi Afrik tokosiri, naati e politik, o ɓuuɓnaama e nder aduna bonɗo mo njiyaagu e... sembe.
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Deftere nde ina waɗi e nder leydi Afriknaajo ndi innde mum anndaaka, nde rokki heen miijo teskinngo e politik Afrik caggal koloñaal e caɗeele ɗe leƴƴi kesi jeytaare mum en njogori dañde. Daartol ngol ko Odili, mo fuɗɗii wallude Chief Nanga, politikaajo jom doole, gonnooɗo jannginoowo, e nder ɗaɓɓaande mum ngam suɓaade. Kono nde Odili ɓeydii naatde e politik, o yaawi faamde wonde mawɗo Nanga e wondiiɓe mum ina njuumti no feewi, ina kuutoroo darnde mum en ngam heɓde nafoore mum en e dow ballal yimɓe ɓe poti gollanaade ɓee.
Nde daartol ngol yahrata, Odili wonti ƴattooje e naafigaagal mawɗo Nanga e njulaagu yaajngu nguu ina yaaji e nder njuɓɓudi politik. O wonta ƴaañoowo e hare ngam haɓaade eliteeji bonɗi, etaade feeñninde bonanndeeji maɓɓe, o daranaade yimɓe heewɓe. E nder laawol, Odili ina wondi e caɗeele e janfaaji keewɗi, haa arti noon e yimɓe ɓe o meeɗnoo jogaade sehilaaɓe.
E nder daartol laaɓtungol, teskinngol, Achebe hollitii caɗeele e luural politik Afrik, ina hollita caɗeele mahngo ngenndi, e huutoraade doole, e hare ngam nuunɗal e nuunɗal renndo. "A Man of the People" ko deftere miijotoonde, nde ƴeewtotoo ko faati e caɗeele politik Afrik e ngonka aadee, nde heddii ko e yeewtere tiiɗnde e doole, jowitiinde e fenaande politik e nder renndooji hannde ɗii.[1]Nanndi e kewuuji garooji "Nde o janngi deftere nde, sehil Achebe, yimoowo e winndiyanke Naajeeriya biyeteeɗo John Pepper Clark, hollitii: 'Chinua, miɗo anndi ko a annabi. Ko woni e ndee deftere fof waɗii so wonaa kuudetaa konu!' [1]
Caggal mum, mawɗo leydi Naajeeriya biyeteeɗo Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu ƴetti laamu e nder diiwaan hee to bannge worgo leydi ndii, e nder kuudetaa ɓurɗo mawnude. Komandaaji nokkuuji goɗɗi ndartiima, fedde ndee jaabaama e ƴaañgal konu nguu, ɗum addani seneraal mawɗo Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi wonde hooreejo leydi.
Nafoore binndol Won e tiitooɗe ummoraade e deftere ndee ina tawee e daartol tokosol ina wiyee "The Voter" (1965), yaltungol e jaaynde wiyeteende Black Orpheus. Defte tati gadane ɗe Achebe winndi ɗee fof laaɓti ko e nder gure Igbo e nder leydi Najeriya. Kono tan, "A man of the People" waɗaama e nder leydi Afrik fenaande, nde tawnoo Achebe yiɗiino winndude binndanɗe Afrik e ngonka duunde ndee e haalaaji ɓurɗi huuɓtodinnde. Deftere nde hawraani e leñol walla pinal keeringal. Caɗeele peeñɗe e deftere ndee, ko wayi no njulaagu, ŋakkeende kattanɗe, e ŋakkeende laamu, ko leƴƴi Afrik hirnaange keewɗi njiyti ɗum en e yonta koloñaal keso. No Naajeeriya heɓaani kuudetaa nde Achebe winndi "A Man of the People", ko noon kadi, mbaydi makko e kewuuji deftere nde, ina gasa tawa ko kuudetaa militeer en e nder leyɗeele Afrik goɗɗe. Kono, hay so tawii o anniyaaki, kuudetaa mo o waɗi caggal mum to leydi Najeriya, firti ko deftere nde yi’aama kadi ko ɓuri heewde e ko yowitii e leydi Najeriya[2].
Deftere nde yaltinaama kadi e nder deftere binndol Afriknaare Heinemann, nde alaa ɗo haaɗi.
- ↑ Mercedes Mackay (January 1967). "Review: A Man of the People by Chinua Achebe". African Affairs. 66 (262): 81. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.afraf.a095576.
- ↑ Ezenwa-Ohaeto (1997). Chinua Achebe: A Biography. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. pp. 109. ISBN 0-253-33342-3.