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Aaron Ismach

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Aaron Ismach
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
InndeAaron Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo1920 Taƴto
ƊofordeBrooklyn Taƴto
Sana'ajiinventor, scientist Taƴto
Field of workchemical engineering Taƴto
Janngi toCity College of New York, New York University Tandon School of Engineering, New York University Taƴto
Award receivedSecretary of Defense Exceptional Civilian Service Award Taƴto

Aaron Ismach (1920 to Brooklyn, New York - 2007) ko ganndo e jiiloowo Ameriknaajo, baɗnooɗo darnde mawnde e mumtugol ñawu nguu, nde o sosi injektor jet les ɓalndu..

O jibinaa e Brooklyn, o heɓii jaŋde bachelor nder jaŋde kemikol nder jaŋnde New York City nder hitaande 1943, nden o heɓii janngde master diga Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn nder hitaande 1953 e MEE diga Jaŋde New York nder hitaande 1956.

Ha fuɗɗoode 1960, Ismach waɗi jaayre jaayre e jaayre hydraulique huwtoreede e pedal koyɗe, anndiraa Ped-O-Jet.

Nder 1964, Aaron Ismach waɗi ɓanndu nder ɓanndu ngam injector, ngam hokki hokki haɓɓuki do'aare pooppo. O heɓii jaajol jaajol ɓeydaare ngam heɓugo ɗum. Nder nder nder nder nder hitaande 1967 nder nder nder jaaynde nde jaaynde adunaaru haɓɓii haɓɓugo haɓɓugo ɓandu, jaaynde makko ina waawi haɓɓugo yimɓe 1000 e sahaa, huutoree nder jaayndi Afrik.